Addleheading For Life

Saturday, October 06, 2007

David and Amy; Amy and David: Two Platonic Gays

So David and I decided we want to have a podcast and/or TV talk show. It would either be called:
Two Platonic Gays and a Microphone: The Podcast
Two Platonic Gays and a Couch: The TV Show
We've had discussions for a segment where we go to the mall and I have to try on whatever David picks out for me. We played that game once before and it ended in hilarity and the conclusion that I should shop at Baby Gap. We would of course have fabulous guests on as well and interview them. And we would just generally share our crazy discourse with the public. I've often said I wish a camera followed us around to record the crazy crap we say and do. Like...
This one time we were walking in a mall and I was jumping around in between the cracks of the tiles
DAVID: Um...What are you doing?
ME: I'm being me.
DAVID: Um, I can't be with you if you're going to act like that.

Or...when we walked by this bar and the music was pumping really loud and I started dance-walking badly as we passes by...
DAVID: I can't walk with you if you're going to be like that.

Or...when we were walking in Andersonville...
ME: This is a good way to spot cuties.
DAVID: Oh yeah.
ME: And when one passes you by you go like this *Goes to David, squats down on the ground, grabs her chin* Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamnnnnnn you fine!!!!

The countless times David says...
DAVID: We're in a fight!!!

Like when we go platonic gay grocery shopping.

Like the time we made an absolutely horrible joke about the only reason a person would purchase the movie White Chicks. Um. It was really bad. I was embarrassed we made it. But it was also really hilarious.

Like when we're driving in the car and listening to a musical. Enough said there. But it's especially amusing if we're listening to "Company."

David and I also decided that if we never meet anyone (which is entirely possible)that we'll just live vicariously through our cats. For example, he'll get cats named Anderson and David and I'll get cats names Amy and Natalie and we'll put them in their own little apartments so they can live out the happy lives we dreamed about. Haha!!

(Re the drinks we got from a coffee shop)
DAVID: What did you get? Italian Soda? How is it?
ME: It's ok. It's a little syrup-y.
DAVID: Wait for the ice to melt a little bit.
ME: Yeah. It doesn't seem like Italian Soda to me. When I think of Italian Soda I think of Limonata but, maybe that's not right.
DAVID: Pretentious Italian!!
ME: Haha. I know. And I'm only like 50%.
DAVID: (Mimicking me) When I think of Italian Soda I think of (said in a bad Italian accent with bad Italian hand gestures) muchiacnhci badadichi casadinio! this point I was pretty much dying of laughter.

And then later:
ME: You've really never heard of limonata before?
DAVID: Yeah, I have it's called lemonade.
ME: Really? You've never heard of it? Or Aranciata?
(Blank look)
DAVID: (As before) Muchabini cossitini arachi!!

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