I needed books on homosexuality.
So I'm more or less in the "homosexual" section of the library.
It was right in between the "prostitution" section and the "sexual deviancy" section.
Thanks, library.
I would put you in between the "jerks" section and the "homosexuality shouldn't be between sexual deviancy and prostitution section" section.
So I'm sorta spending some time leafing through various books trying to decide which books would be most beneficial for me take.
And as I'm looking, I'm cracking up at some of the titles of these books.
I think it is quite possible that books about homosexuality have the most hilarious titles ever.
At first I was just going to file a few into the memory bank and maybe post them as a quote of the day. However, the more I looked the more I realized I needed a pen and paper to write them all down because there were so many great titles. Here are a few of my favorites...these are actual titles of books I saw...I couldn't make some of this shit up if I tried...
Straight (Right next to a book called "Homos")
The Men Who Beat The Men Who Love Them (Ok, I realize this is a very serious topic, but god damn get a better title. This title reads like a bad Maury Povich episode, and consequently made me laugh out loud.)
Spinsters and Lesbians (Seriously) (If this book were titled Spinster or Lesbian? it would be the question most single lesbians ask themselves everyday)
The Riddle of Man-Manly Love (Um, is that even...English?)
Overcoming Homosexuality (Ok, and I had to pick this one up because I was so intrigued and yes, it was a self help book about how NOT to be gay. It was by a psychologist. There is a chapter where he talks about how hard it is to be heterosexual. Um. Gay.)
The Homosexual Question (This title frankly scared me. It rang too close to the phrase "The Jewish Question" the Nazis used. I didn't really even want to touch this book so I don't even know what it was about. For all I know it could have said, "The answer to the homosexual question is that homosexuals are FABULOUS!!! Let's all have a non stereotypical dance party inside the pages of the book while a drag queen sings Judy Garland songs!" But I was too afraid to pull it off the shelf because it had such a creepy title)
There's Something I Have To Tell You ("I was backing out of the driveway and I killed your dog!...*cough cough* also I'm gay.")
My Dangerous Desires (What I think the subtitle should be: I'm A Lesbian Pyromanic and Other Essays)
Lesbian Ethics (What I think the subtitle should be: Just Who Should Get The Cat When You Break Up?)
What Does A Lesbian Look Like (Answer to that question:

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