It may come as a shock and surprise if I tell you that as a young child I was more or less a loner. I wasn't made fun of too harshly or socially ostracized. For the most part, it was a self-imposed loner-ship. I just always felt that I was a little different from most kids somehow, and consequently spent a lot of time alone. Or hanging out with my brother or cousin. It was alone or hanging out with my brother or cousin that I felt I could really be myself. I can probably count on two hands the number of times I went over to someone's house or someone came over to my house-and that's not a joke or exaggeration.
So...when I was a kid I was way into horses. I was way into animals in general. I wanted to be a vet. As such I was also way into science. I had a microscope which I frequently used and I also had a telescope because I really liked astronomy. So I always had a really hard time making friends because in addition to being a dorky oddball I was also totally and completely shy. I still am pretty shy to those who don't know me, but I've definitely gotten better over the years. When I was little, people were lucky to get two words out of me. I was known as really nice but really quiet and thus, probably a little misunderstood.
Ok. This is the kind of kid I was, right?
I spent a lot of time drawing.
I spent a lot of time reading.
I spent a lot of time with microscope.
And I spent a lot of time writing.
I like to think of my childhood as the gestation period for my artistry. (I said that in a really snobby tone in case you couldn't tell).
So I came across some of my old notebooks. And it's more than a little hilarious that they exist at all to begin with but it's also slightly hilarious how seriously I took myself.
I guess I considered myself a sort of Renascence woman...a lover of science, art and progress. Trying to unlock the mysteries of the universe at age eight.
Ok. So in addition to the aforementioned horse notebook above, there is ANOTHER book or packet of horse notes (Which is composed of yellowing sheets of loose leaf bound together with brass brads. It bothers me that the sheets are yellowing. I feel old. Yellowing papers are what you find in the attic of your dead great-grandparents. Not in your own closet!!) ANYWAY what follows are selections from each:
Note the spelling of the word "Diagram"...DIEagram. Whoa. Sounds kinda ominous. My eight year old self is just letting you know...diagrams are a serious business.
Oh, great eight year old Amy. Thanks for letting us know that miniature horses require the same care as a full size horse. I always thought mini horses didn't poop or have to be fed. And also that their head should fit their body. Lesson from this page: mini horses must be be fed and if they have the head of cow this is probably bad news.
In this picture I brilliantly illustrate what a long thick mane looks like. In case you're wondering. This is exactly what it looks like: scribbles.
This page illustrates what can kill your horse. AND also what to feed him to make him grow big and strong. Separated only by one single, wavy line.
I never said I was insighful
Quiz Wuiz? Wuiz?? REALLY, eight year old Amy?? I think my reasoning for completely marring the spelling of "wiz" must have been that quiz has a "u" and wiz rhymes with quiz, so...or like when people spell night as "nite" or like when people purposely misspell things as style thing? Like...Kit Kat Klub?? I love that you can tell by looking at the "u" in wuiz that I clearly thought about spelling it what I can gage from this is that I'm too smart for my own good??
Ok. I know "bomb-proof" must mean something in the horse world but I don't know or can't remember what it is. I just think it's hilarious out of context. Nowadays I think bomb proof is a little outdated and that horses should instead be terror proof. Osama won't get my pony!!!
Coftobable?? Iteaget?? Gentel?? Am I writing in english??!!?!
Good thing I found one of these in the back of one of the notebooks:
Ah yes. One of those at-home practice spelling tests my mom made me do. Well, I clearly needed all the help I could get. (Words I spelled wrong I had to write 10 times). Apparently in addition to have trouble spelling comfortable, intelligent and gentle, I also had issues with libraries, canaries and blueberries. I was a way special little kid.
And here is a random page I found in which I illustrate (literally) my observations of shrimp eggs from underneath my microscope. Each circle represents a different magnification. Yeah. Like I said...not many friends:
I love the magnified shrimp eggs drawing. As you zoomed in, the eggs did not get more detailed in texture, color, etc.; they only became bigger black circles. Brilliant.
From my 8 year old notes:
Before a horse is ready to be ridden by anyone other than an advanced rider, she will need to overcome her fear of the unfamiliar. This is called "sacking out" or "bomb proofing." The idea is to expose the horse to a variety of "scary" stimuli while showing her that nothing bad will happen as a result.
--clearly i was a bit more advanced.
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