Addleheading For Life

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What David Wouldn't Do...

An E-mail to David:

Subject: 20 million dollars, Anderson Cooper...

Email: But you have to drink curdled milk once a week for the rest of your life.

David's Reply: Absolutely not!!! UGGG! Sorry Anderson...

I would totally do it. (Well not for Anderson Cooper of course. For Natalie Portman or Kate Winslet, or I'll be own pony/horse farm where the poop magically mucked itself out of the stalls (that would be sweet).)

Sometimes you have to make sacrfices for love.
Sometimes you have to drink curdled milk once a week for the rest of your life.
I guess David just doesn't understand that.
Well, all I can say is, Natalie Portman or Kate Winslet or my future ponies/horses on my very own pony/horse farm, if you read this blog (duh, I'm sure you do, EVERYONE reads this blog) rest assured that I would drink curdled milk once a week for you.

...Man I really want a pony or a horse. Sometimes I seriously wish cars didn't exist and everyone owned and got around by horse. How awesome would that be?? And you would have to hitch your horse up outside bars or stores?? I think it would so cool if everyone owned a horse and just took their time getting everywhere. If when you passed someone by, you tipped your hat and said "Howdy" or "Good Day" (obviously how you would greet someone depends on what kind of saddle you use.) Forr example, I was taught to ride english style, so I would probably have to say, "Good Day."
Hm. Even though I was taught to ride English style, sometimes I wish I born in Montana and taught how to barrel race. I think barrel racing better suits my personality jumping. Whatever. Regardless of where I was born or what kind of saddle I use, I love horses. And I wish I could ride one everywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its not my fault!! I have a dairy Phobia!!