Addleheading For Life

Thursday, September 06, 2007

In The Words of Usher, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah..."


So I go to order a mocha from the stand in the student center today, right? So I order and I'm talking a little with the barista and this happens:
BARISTA: You're an upper-classemen, right?
WHAT I SAID: Ha, yeah.
BARISTA: I can just tell.
WHAT I WAS THINKING: The Usher Song, "Yeah" was playing in my head. Also, I contemplated doing an Usher-esque victory dance.

SHE DIDN'T ASK ME IF I WAS A LOST CHILD OR IF I WAS REALLY A STUDENT AT LOYOLA!! (It's happened to me in the caf before...someone has seriously questioned if I was a student. When I told him I was and that I was 21, he told me I looked like I was 9. Yeah, that's right 9. Throw me a freakin' bone here. 9???!!)

Barista girl knew I was an UPPER-classmen.

And I was like
(Right now I'm bobbing my head to Usher's phat beats. And if they're weren't so many people around right now, I'd be doing some smooth dance moves and poppin' my collar)

Oh, yeah and then to further boost my confidence...
So David and I went to dinner last night in the 'ville and we were getting desert and this girl totally kept looking at me. David said she was checking me out. And I am usually totally oblivious to any girl (the few and very very far between) that have any sort of interest in me, but I noticed it too. I kept catching her out of the corner of my eye looking right at me.
So maybe she was checking me out.
But maybe she was also trying to figure out what a 14 year old boy was doing with a big gay man.
Maybe she was staring at me because I was being slightly loud as I was a little tipsy because I had a whole ONE drink with dinner.
Seriously. I am not allowed to have alcohol. I can hold alcohol about as well as a quadra paraplegic can hold eight bags of groceries.
Whatever. The tipsy-ness wore out pretty fast. And I think I got tipsy because I didn't really eat lunch yesterday so I went to dinner on an empty stomach.
Not attractive.
I'm totally socially awkward to begin with, I'm not about to make it worse by showing the world how I get tipsy after one drink (it really even didn't take the whole thing. I was buzzed after about 1/4 of it.)
An the answer to your question,
Yes, I am the most hardcore person on the face of the planet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amy! i hope you gave her a flirty come hither look!