Addleheading For Life

Sunday, September 16, 2007

An Astrological Frame Of Mind

So lately I've been checking my horoscopes a lot. I don't really know why. I'm not sure how much of that stuff I believe or whatever. And I don't even get really official horoscopes.
Basically, what I'm trying to say, is checking my horoscope consists of rolling my mouse over the drop-down "horoscope" box on my yahoo welcome page.
I guess I just like to know if there's anything I need to know for that day. Like, it could be beneficial to know, "Today you'll be hit by a bus." Or, "The Sushi chef who you'll order sushi from today doesn't have a steady hand. Stay away from the puffer fish." Or, "The cute girl you'll meet today is cute, but she's also crazy. Better not give her your phone number. Or real name."
That kind of info would be helpful.
Most of the time though it's like, "An open heart and mind is worth a bird in the clouds. Keep that in mind today."
What the hell does that mean?
Well, it means anything you want it to mean, which is why people are like, "Oh man, my horoscope was SO right today. An open heart and mind IS worth a bird in the clouds. I'm so glad I knew that before I bought that new microwave and went with the toaster oven instead."
Well, today I read my horoscope. Here's what it said:
"Your enthusiasm can make things happen. Don't keep all that power to yourself."
And I'm going to make it mean exactly what I want to mean...

I have the enthusiastic power to make Natalie Portman my girlfriend.
I have the enthusiastic power to make "High School Musical: Gay-er And More Fabulous Than Ever Before" a reality.

...suddenly all my dreams are so very very palpable.
Thank you yahoo horoscopes. For giving me the little push I needed to come to this epiphany.

(David trying to figure what to make us for dinner Monday night before we go see a show)
DAVID: Do you like rice?
ME: Yes.
DAVID: Do you like beans?
ME: Yes.
DAVID: Do you like poo?
ME: Uh, no.
DAVID: Well what's like your favorite food?
ME: I don't really have a favorite I just love food. If it's well made and delicious then-
DAVID: Oh, now I'm scared, you're a food snob.
ME: I am not! It doesn't have to be fabulous. The most important ingredient in a meal is love. I truly believe that.
DAVID: That's the gayest thing you've ever said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hilarious quote of the day!