Addleheading For Life

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Post You've All Been Waiting For...I'm In LOVE!!!

So, I am totally in Love.
I have everything I ever wanted and desired...
and a Kick to pick me up when I need it.

I am in love with the Mexican Lattes from Kopi Cafe.

Mexican Hot Chocolate + Espresso = Fabulous.


I think if the Mexican Latte manifested itself as a person, I would have the love of my life.

Um, so hey, Fairy Godmother? Remember that one time when you made a pumpkin into a coach and mice into ponies for that one girl, Cinderella? Do you think maybe you could turn my Mexican Latte into the love of my life? Extra points if it comes without the midnight expiration date. Thanks Fairy Godmother!
P.S. If you could also make me hotter like you did for Cinderella that would be awesome. I'm thinking...maybe like 3 more inches? Fablous hair, clear skin, and a more mature look so I don't get mistaken for a 13 year old? Oooo...and can you wave your magic wand and give me lasik so I never have to wear my Harry Potter glasses again? Ooo...and how about improving my hearing so I don't have to get hearing aides? OOOO! And Fairy Godmother??? Can you give me some hot/sexy dance moves that are hot/sexy and NOT socially awkward (think Justin Timberlake)? OOOOOO!!! AND Fairy Godmother??? Can I play guitar and sing so as to make all the girls swoon??
I know that's a lot to ask, Fairy Godmother. But I have faith in you.
I mean, shit, look what you did for Cinderella.
One minute she's her step mother's bitch, the next she's in the arms of a frickin' prince.
I'm not asking for a prince.
...just thought I'd point that out.
Anytime you're ready to show up is cool with me. I'll be here all night.
P.P.S. Fairy Godmother, have you been working out because you look fabulous!!! Just thought I'd mention that.

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