Addleheading For Life

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Well, at Least if They Ever Make a Stage Version of Harry Potter...I'll Have a Part

So, I got told twice today within the span of 15 minutes that I look like Harry Potter. Twice.

(I'm bartending. A lady comes up to the bar and looks at me and grins)
LADY: You just like Harry Potter.
ME: Yeah I know I get that a lot.
LADY: That's so funny. You look just like him!
ME: (Pause) (Pause)...Well I'm not. I wish I was. That would be pretty cool. But I'm not.

(I'm bartending some more. Another lady walks up and looks at me and grins)
ANOTHER LADY: Boy, you're just like channeling Harry Potter tonight with that cute little suit you're wearing!!
ME: Yeah, you're the second person to say that to me tonight. Haha.
ANOTHER LADY: Well, you're much prettier than he is.

So I'm a pretty Harry Potter.


I really have to ditch these glasses and get contacts again. I mean, I suppose Harry Potter ain't a bad lookin' dude and I should take the comments as compliments. But here's what I REALLY wish someone had come up to me and said:

ANYONE: Oh my God. You are totally bringing sexyback.

(Re: the cute gays boys he was flirting with tonight. They asked him what his favorite musical was, and he said he couldn't answer that question. I told him he should think of one to say, go right up to one of the boys, pull him gently over to him by the arm and whisper the name of his favorite musical in his ear. If you're going to flirt you gotta do it right, right? Not that I would ever have the guts to do it like that, but when I flirt with people in my head...that's how I flirt. However in reality I am much to awkward to ever pull anything like this off and have it be appealing.) ANYWAY back to the quote...
DAVID: Amy wants me to go over and whipser the name of my favorite musical in his ear.
AMY: Well thats what you have to do if you want to flirt!! Anytime a cute anybody asks you your favorite something, you have to say, "Hm. Let me think about it. I'll get back to you." And then, you wait a while and when they least expect it, walk over to them, pull them gently to you, lean in and whisper whatever your favorite something is in their ear. Hopefully whatever you say will be something clever and sexy. Trust me, it's hot.
DAVID: Yeah, but someone could ask you what's your favorite something and it could be totally unsexy. Like, "What's your favorite kind of potato chip?" And you walk over later and whipser in their ear, "Sour Cream and Onion.' That's not hot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was not flirting! =)