Addleheading For Life

Monday, February 11, 2008

Things I Don't Understand Episode #1

Here's a video blog. It was supposed to go up last night but I got impatient with the uploading process. So I'm putting it up now. People seem to really be enjoying the video portions of the, without further audieu...

And just for old times sake...


Anonymous said...

1) you're a dork
2) i've wondered the same thing! (about both black licorice and that crazy dancing woman)
3) why did you have to post the baby...

Anonymous said...

Do you think we could start a new term for "video blogging"? Something like "vlogging"? Do you think it will catch on?

Anonymous said...

OH. MY. FRIGGIN. LORD. hahaha. we have the same messed up brain. and that's scary. everytime I see her I wonder the same thing, and I'm mesmerized by her, and I hate her, and she creeps me out, and looks like a mutated alien, but I just can't stop staring...I never knew home equity loans were such a dance party...(they're for some crap like that, right)?

Anonymous said...

oh she was for online university...but I usually see them for loans...whatever...she creeps me out. a lot. not as much as the baby though. ew. ew ew ew ew.

Anonymous said...

Amy, that dancing girl creeps me out too. I think her feet look like prosthetic know the kind you can run with?! Yeah, and for the record, black licorice is disgusting.