Addleheading For Life

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lots. Of. Quotes.

QUOTES OF THE DAY (well, last few days)

AMY: I was waiting for you to get to thing in that list you'd need to boil water for.
SARA: The cheese of course!

SARA: I think yoga loosened my brain.

SARA: Is that allowed? Am I allowed to want Steak'N'Shake while doing yoga? I feel like want wheat grass or something.

ARIANA: two muffins are in the oven, and one says 'geez it's hot in here', and the other says 'holy crap, a talking muffin!'

ARIANA: Let's see, what else have I got…oh wait, here we go…what's long and orange and goes click-click? A ballpoint carrot.

MEGHAN: So, I hopped this cab to the TV station the other day for my interview and when I told the guy where I was going he said, "Oh! You going to be a famous one day! I have many famous in my cab! You going to be a famous one day!" And he told me never to get married because, "My wife divorce me. Because I ugly." And then he kept telling me, "Do not give up. You must try till die. You must try till die!" And when I got out of the cab and was walking away he rolled down his window and called to me, "Remember, try till die!!"

DAVID: Magoo! What is going on with your hair today!? Just because it's short doesn't mean you can just roll out of bed like that. We need to get some product involved.

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