Addleheading For Life

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Things I Love About Being Home Episode #1

So I recently (as in yesterday) moved back to my home in the suburbs with my Dad and brother. I'm sure I will soon be blogging hilarious stories about how we get on each other's nerves in a sitcom sort of way but for's kinda nice to be home and living with people again.

Here's something I love about being home:

Spend an hour by yourself youtubing and you feel guilty about the time you've wasted.

Spend an hour with your brother youtubing and not only do you enjoy the wonders of youtube but the wonders of siblinghood as well.

I bet you're now wondering what my brother and I spent an hour youtubing on the couch this morning and my answer is quite simple: puppies and kittens.

You think I'm kidding. But oh no. I am not. This is why I love my brother: he's awesome enough to sit down with his nerdy older sister and laugh incessantly and hilarious videos of puppies, kittens, or puppies and kittens, or puppies and kittens duking it out in a mortal match of playfulness. My brother might have a chin up bar in his room and talk about things like building muscle mass and drinking protein shakes, but at the end of the day I know he'll be easily swayed to sit with me and watch youtube videos of animals doing hilarious and ridiculous things.

Here is the evidence of our youtube session. What follows is a sort of "best of" of what we youtubed.

This video, I'm not going to lie breaks my heart a little. It really, really does. Mostly because it's funny in that "break your heart" kinda way and makes me want to hunt down this puppy and hold him close to me and love him until the day I die. Warning: if you like puppies and/or do not have a heart made of stone this video will turn you into a puddle of mush (p.s. I've watched it no less that 20 times already):

I'm not really sure if I buy that the puppy is screaming "Elmo" but I am damn sure he's the cutest damn thing I've seen all week. And that even includes surpassing the cuteness of my own puppy. Seriously. And I love my puppy, but damn.

This one is pretty great. I love the one puppy that steps on the other puppies head. And then entire body. I love that there is like eight of them and they are still scared of the cat. Awesome:

This battle is epic and amazing. And I love that the kitten constantly surprise attacks the dog:

This one is absolute and total genius. I've never seen a video that so brilliantly captures what it is to be a cat:

This one is also pretty amazing. It does make me a little sad though because unlike the other this puppy does not seem to want to play. It makes me sad the little puppy gets pwned by the nasty cat:

Holy crap. My brother and I laughed and laughed:

Absolutely frightening and also makes me very sad that this cat is so angry. I would want to love this cat and make him believe in humanity again, but I also like my internal organs where they are:

This video is a-mazing. It's a little long but totally worth it. Or, at least it was worth it this morning as my brother and I sat on the couch for an hour promising ourselves "just one more, just one more." The first minute and half of this video is probably the best part:

...and again...

I can guarantee you right now you will have to watch this more than once.

1 comment:

David A said...
