Addleheading For Life

Friday, May 16, 2008


Phone rings. I have a cold, thus am not speaking very well my nose is stuffed. Use your imagination.
ME: Thank you for calling the box office. This is Amy how may I help you?
MAN: Abee I've never heard that name before. That's so interesting how are you Abee?
ME: Oh. My name is Amy. I'm sorry I have a cold.
MAN: Abee?
ME: Amy. A-M-Y. Excuse me I have I cold.
MAN: Oh, I'm sorry.
(Proceeds to ask me weird questions about the theatre. Says that Bruce Springstein or Paul McCartney would like to play at Mteropolis. Right.)
MAN: Well thank you Amy, you've been very helpful. I'm sorry you have a cold and I hope you feel better.
ME: Thank you.
MAN: What is this it's not even a summer cold? It's like a spring-winter cold?
ME: I guess. I don't know.
MAN: I bet you got it from your boyfriend.
ME: Oh yeah. You're totally right.
MAN: You know he's no good you've gotta get rid of him. Get rid of him to so can get better. No messin' around.
ME: I'll do that.
MAN: Well ok. You've been a great help. You have a great day.
ME: You too.

On all levels.
Don't try and schmooz me man. I cna see right through you.
And don't talk about me messin' around with my boyfriend!
a) Inapprops
b) Gross

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