Addleheading For Life

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Um. Gross.

So, I went to the gay coffee shop in my neighborhood the other day, to try to get someone to fall in love with me. I did this by ordering a hunk of tiramisu and a Mexican Latte. There really was no one there who caught my eye, but for whatever reason I still felt the need to eat my tiramisu seductively.
But wait.
My version of eating tiramisu seductively means that I missed my mouth several times and got whipped cream across my face and that the tiramisu fell off my fork several times as well. I also spilled a splash of my Mexican Latte across my tiramisu once. And then later...across the table. Basically...I was a mess.
Thank God no hot girls were there to notice.
You want to know who was there though and sitting right next to me?
The skiviest looking dude ever.
He was one of the dudes who is balding on top, but tries to pretend he's not by growing out the rest of his hair to outrageous proportions. His thinning, oily red hair was thus, pulled into a long, half-assed ponytail. His beard was scraggly and ungroomed. He looked like he hadn't washed his face since going on the "jog" I heard him telling his companion about. He was really skinny, and had on round glasses.
You might be saying, "Well, ok, Amy. So maybe he wasn't the most attractive guy. But how does that make him skivy?"
Well...I'll tell you why...
He was a college professor talking about a prospective romance with one of his students. He mentioned she was 25, and that he is twice her age.
Don't you know, dude, that student/professor relationships only work if the professor is smoking hot??
It was the most awkward conversation to sit next to.
He was talking about how he had to wait till after the semester was over to make his move. He said between now and then that he'd be walking a "fine line." But that there was nothing wrong with, "being friendly, right?"
My skin was literally crawling.

...but on the bright side the tiramisu was some of the best I've had. Absolutely phenomenal. Good job, gay coffee house (and the presentation was fabulous [of course-gay, the presentation is ALWAYS going to be fabulous). other news...
I have a crap load of laundry to do. Right now my clothes are all strewn across the floor of my bedroom.
I've gotta work out a better organization system for my room. Because right now it's: books and old papers and new papers and notebooks-on the desk and clothes-on the floor. Sometimes the two mix. Then I get confused. "What the hell is Long Day's Journey Into Night doing on the floor under a pair of jeans and a hoodie??!" other other news...
I need a haircut. I'm tempted to go super super short and do away with the Harry Potter meets Shaggy from Scooby-Doo action that I got going on right now.

(Man comes to the window with a leather case)
MAN: Hi. My name-a-George. I am a Christian missionary. And today we a collecting donations for a fundraiser. Would you like to make a donation and buy something?(Opens leather case to reveal jewelry)

MAN ON THE PHONE: So it says tickets for kids 12 and under are 13.50?
ME: That's correct.
MAN ON THE PHONE: So my son is his ticket would be 13.50?
ME: Right. (What I wanted to say: Very good.)

1 comment:

Carly said...

"He was one of the dudes who is balding on top, but tries to pretend he's not by growing out the rest of his hair to outrageous proportions. His thinning, oily red hair was thus, pulled into a long, half-assed ponytail. His beard was scraggly and ungroomed. He looked like he hadn't washed his face since going on the "jog" I heard him telling his companion about. He was really skinny, and had on round glasses."

Sounds like a missed connection to me!