Addleheading For Life

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Amazing Art

So, someone recently showed me this guy's website. This is some of the coolest art work I've seen in a while. This dude makes underwater sculptures that eventually become artitificial reefs for sea life. They're sort of eerie looking, but so beautiful...

Here is a video of his work:

I recommend watching it with sound, because there is lovely instrumental in the background.

Here is the dude's website. The pictures here give you a little bit of a more detailed look, and photographically speaking are of a higher quaility than the video. CHECK IT OUT:

Underwater Sculptures

1 comment:

Carly said...

OMG!! I just had this image in my head of the sculpture "people" coming to life, like out of a horror movie, and attacking people! AGHH!!