Addleheading For Life

Friday, November 09, 2007

I Just Want To Do Some Art

So I'm in this class called Life and Inquiry.
It's a science class.
It's pretty much a glossing over of everything you'd learn in a 7th or 8th grade science class, except with bigger words and more complex concepts. (So, photosynthesis isn't just something plants do anymore. Now we have to know exactly how it happens.)
Yesterday we watched this video called, "The Kidney's Tale: Of Salt and Hypertension"
(Don't pretend like you're not jealous).
Basically, it was a video of some really important, super-intelligent doctor talking about the dangers of high blood pressure. And when I say "talking" that's what I mean. It was literally a video of a dude giving a lecture to a bunch of students, complete with a power point and laser pointer...It kinda messed with my head a little bit. I was like, "Whoa, this dude is giving a lecture with a power point and laser point, but he's on the SCREEN! This is just a video. Whoa." I sat there for a while and tried to figure out with what I was experiencing would qualify as, "Meta-lecturing." I realized it probably wouldn't since the dude wasn't lecturing about lecturing, but in fact lecturing about science-stuff that I have no desire nor ability to understand.
I mean, I tracked with him for about five minutes. I was with him when he was talking about blood pressure being the force of the blood on the blood vessels...Then he started talking crazy-man science talk and throwing around names of molecules and enzymes and bodily processes like they were popcorn and I was totally lost. I mean, he might as well have been speaking Canadian.
"So the sodium bi-carbon phosphate bonds with the dexytril oxyficotin blotin in the sesphosipus glandounous maximus of the kidney. This reaction is fueled by ATP, which is fueled by glucose in the thylakoid membrane of the plant. Photosynthesis."
Is just as foreign to me as...
"Aye, hey der!"
I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nor do I care to get it. Sorry, Canada.
But science, I'm not sorry. I don't care about you. I don't care about your glucose. I don't care about your phosphate. I don't care about ATP. And I especially don't care about photosynthesis.
I respect you, science. But I just don't care.
There once was a boy at the art studio where I worked that got all bent out of shape because we had to take a break from painting to have a snack. All the other kids were chatting a way, happily eating their Cheez-its. And this kids is moping in the corner. When I went over to ask him what was wrong he said in most pitiful voice ever, "I just want to do some art. I don't want to eat a snack. I just want to do some art."
Well, that's how I feel right about now.
I just want to do some art.
I don't want to do science.
I just want to do some art.

(On Milanos, the best cookie ever invented)
CARLY: (While eating a Double Stuffed Milano) I don't understand why people would buy the non-double stuffed kind.
AMY: Me either, non-double stuffed is just pointless. You can't even taste the chocolate.
CARLY: I know!
AMY: I mean really, these should be the standard and they should make other Milanos that are even more double stuffed.
CARLY: There should be at least a quarter inch of chocolate in between the two cookies.
AMY: Really, they should just do away with the cookies completely.
CARLY: Well, that might be messy.
AMY: True.
CARLY: They could just do one cookie and put a lot of chocolate on would be like an open face sandwich.

Sometimes on the phone people give me WAY more info than I need.
LADY: So, I need to get seats as close as possible. Because we're coming with my mother and she only has one eye...the other one, you know...just poked out accidently. So as close as possible would be great.
Um. "My mother can't see well." Would have been sufficient. Way too much info.

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