Addleheading For Life

Friday, June 13, 2008

Oh And Last Night I Held A Baby Bunny

I did.

He was mildly hurt and my Dad found him running around the street, liable to get squashed. He picked him up and put him in my hands.

The poor guy was SO scared, he didn't even try to get out of my hands. He was so small I could cup in my little bitty hands. I put him under some bushes and he was so scared he just sat there for a while with his little legs splayed out. I then gave 'em a nudge and he went into the bushes.

I'm a little worried 'cause I've heard that some mamas don't take babies with human smell back.

...I've decided that while my dad is on vacation I'm going to start a halfway house for injured baby animals.

Some kids throw parties when their parents are away...
...I'm going to rescue baby animals and put them up so he won't be able to say no by the time he gets back. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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