Addleheading For Life

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Little Baby Bird

Well, this is only the second time I've biked to work and ALREADY I have a story. Good thing I made, "biking" a tag, huh?
This is a sad story, I should warn you.

So I'm biking today and I get maybe a block away from my house and this truck passes me on my left. I look up ahead and I see a bird in the middle of the road, just sitting there as birds often do. Except when the truck gets closer, I don't see the bird fly away. The truck just passes right over the bird (not smashing it) and keeps going. As I get closer, I realize the bird has not moved. I pass it, and it does not move as I approach either.

I turn around.

Pass it again. It's alive and "moving" but does not move out of my way of fly away even though I'm really close to it.

It's a baby. (It had feathers)

I put down my bike and approach it.

I can hear two other birds (Robins) going INSANE over my head.

The little bird does not attempt to get away from me as I approach it. It only does what I will call "bearing its teeth at me" meaning he opened his beak wide and lunged at me a bit.

I know at the very least, I have to get this guy out of the street. I contemplate taking him back to my house, but don't want to move him far away from his mother who is clearly the bird going insane over my head. SO I decide I'll put him under a tree off the side of the road.

I try to pick him up. His little baby beak attempts to bite my hand (sorry baby bird, no dice I could hardly feel it). He gets away from me and starts flapping his wings, which he clearly has not figured out how to work yet. Then I get scared because I'm wondering if I'm doing this bird more harm than good, like worried I'll break his wings or legs trying while he tries to get away from me.

I try to pick him up again, same thing, he falls out of my hands and is now laying in the curb, with his little wings splayed out.

Birds over my head-still going nuts. I was surprised I was not DIVE BOMBED.

I take a deep breath, go in and just grab the little guy, getting a good hold on him. I take him and put him underneath the tree. I wanted to put him in the bushes further off the road, with more cover but at that moment, the garage door to the house I was in front of opened. And I guy stepped out and here I am on his property holding a baby bird.

I put him under the tree, wondering if I should d something else.

And then I got on my bike and left.

Now I feel really really bad.

I mean, I'm just worried about the guy in general. But my house wasn't too far away. I'm sure the mama bird would have followed. I should have taken him home. OR at the very least, I should have found better cover for him and not put him six feet away from the road in plain view of a friggin' cat.


...sometimes I suck at life.

I hope he'll be ok. I mean, I know he won't be. He can't fly, has no way of getting back to a nest and clearly was hurt enough to be in the middle of the street letting trucks drive over him.


I feel so bad now. It was dumb to just put him under a tree...

Sad animals make me real, real sad.

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