Addleheading For Life

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back in Blog Business

I must apologize for the lack of decent blog-age recently. I have no excuse other than to say I have recently been rediscovering cable after nine months without TV and been busy enough with work lately where all I wish to do is veg out in front of the TV when I get home (12 hour work days tend to do that to me).
...I also may or may not have upgraded my Netflix to Two-At-A-Time-Unlimited.

Diversion of Blog post...
Speaking of that I just watched this absolutely PHENOMENAL German film called Nirgendwo In Afrika (Nowhere in Africa). The trailer is not in English, I couldn't find one with subtitles, sorry, but here it is anyway:

I highly, highly recommend it. It's about a Jewish family that flees to Africa to escape Nazi Germany. The acting is top-notch (especially the little girl). The story is beautiful. AND it has a fabulous fabulous score/music to boot (but I am a sucker for a score with African rhythm and influence (not kidding one of my favorite CDS is my Soweto Gospel Choir CD, it's slightly amazing)). I could write a 40 page essay on this film. It's amazing. If you have any interest whatsoever: watch it.

Aside from seeing the occasional amazing film, I find that copious amounts of cable TV in my spare time does not give me as great a sense of fulfillment as blogging in my spare time. So it is thus that I write this post to let you know:

I am back in blog business.

Which means: As soon as I have a work day where I work less than 12 hours, you will see:

-The next installment of "Delivering Supplies To Union Soldiers"
-The results post for the "Name That Bike" Contest
- Some crazy stories about this thing I call my life (and I've got a few stories in my back pocket to share).

But as this post already lacks a fair amount of coherence. I feel I must turn in for the evening. Until we meet again, which will be very very soon (like tomorrow) (or Saturday) please enjoy these:


(I'm sitting at the desk in the box office. We're trying to seat a children's show, I'm taking phone calls. I got a guy on hold asking a question I don't fully know the answer too. Carly is trying to find David so he can answer the question. A very old woman approaches the window holding a gift certificate. She sees me.)
ME: Hi, can I help you?
(She approaches the window grasping one of our gift certificates. She is walking towards the window with a fair amount of trepidation)
OLD LADY: Boy, you look awfully small. And young.
(What I wish I could have said: Boy, you look awfully old.)
ME: *Insert half-assed laugh here*
OLD LADY: (Mildly condescending) Do you know anything about gift certificates?
(What I wish I could say: No, sorry. I am small and young. And also I don't speak English.)

(At the studio, kids were being very careless with their work, simply rushing through things to paint something else. These conversations happened...)

(There's a little girl painting a tray she wants to put this fairy decals on it, I tell her she has to wait for the paint to dry first before she can put them on)
LITTLE GIRL: So I have to wait for this to dry?
ME: Yup, otherwise those fairies won't stick.
LITTLE GIRL: Can I start something else while I wait?
ME: No mam. You have to be completely done with one project before you start something else. It won't take that long to dry.
*She picks up her tray and starts waving it wildly to make it dry faster*
ME: Uh-uh. No way. Put that down on the table before you smack yourself in the head with it.
LITTLE GIRL: I'm just trying to make it dry faster.
ME: Well, the way to make it dry faster is patience, not waving it around like a lunatic.
(Mrs. Yueill, the head of the Studio comes back to see how the kids are doing)
LITTLE GIRL: She (points to me) says I have to wait for this to dry. And I'm just trying to get it done. But she says I have to wait even though I just want to get it done.
MRS. YUEILL: That's right. It has to be dry otherwise those fairies won't stick on.
LITTLE GIRL: (Ultra smart ass) But no one like to watch things dry.
(This is why Mrs. Yueill and I are awesome working together because without missing a beat...)
MRS. YUEILL: Oh I love to watch things dry, don't you Aim?
ME: Oh yeah. I love watching things dry. Because I know it means I'm taking my time on my project and going to have something that turns out great.

(Mrs. Yueill is helping some Children cut pictures they brought to make really cute memory frames. She is helping Little Girl A, Little Girl B is waiting her turn)
LITTLE GIRL B: Can I just go work on my other project?
MRS. YUEILL: No, just hang out here for right now. I'll get to you in just one second.
LITTLE GIRL B: I don't see why I have to sit here and waste my time when I could be working on my project.
(Oh yes) (We have some straight up sassies in this rotation)

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