Addleheading For Life

Friday, June 06, 2008

Installment Number One!

Also...I recently found MORE notebooks of mine from when I was young. These notebooks contain some short stories I wrote when I was young. I will share some of these complete with video in later posts. BUT in the meantime I do want to implement a new Confusing Ideas Since 1986 feature...So I found this story I wrote back when I was young (I was 10 or 11 when I wrote it) called "Delivering Supplies to Union Soldiers". I know. That title has you hooked already, right?? I bet you can't guess what it's about or what happens. I found this fine piece of literature, typed out and everything. It's 9 pages of pure genius, if I do say so myself. What I would like to do, is post a portion of the story in the next couple blog posts. Sort of like a mini blog soap opera. You'll have to tune in or rather...log on to learn the fate of the characters and outcome of the story. Sound good? Good.
It is with great pleasure that I present (presented exactly as written typos, misspellings, malaprops and ALL) part 1 of...


*side note...I will present my own commentary on the piece in italics.

And...ROLL IT....

"Mail's here Mail's here." Billy and Jack Arden shouted as they yanked open the mailbox and looked inside.
"There's just gotta be a letter from pa in here somewhere!" Jack said while throwing the rest of the mail on the ground.
"Are you kiddin' he has been fighting for us Unions in the Civil War for months!"
They both reached in and grabbed the last piece of mail. Billy scanned the return address, it said:
Philip Arden
Camp 4F Charleston, Virginia
52643.00 I have no idea what this number means or is supposed to be. Pretty sure zip codes didn't exist yet.
Billy stood there frozen with amazement. Then he snapped back to reality. Billy and Jack ran back to the house waving the letter high above their heads. When they reached the house Billy tore the letter open, letting the bits of envelope fall to the ground he read aloud: I think it's highly improbable that little Billy would be able to read. Oh well. I ask the audience for a willing suspension of disbelief.

Dear Ma, Jack, and Billy
The war is going like any other. So many men come thinkin' it's a game-most of em learn the hard way. The conditions are very poor. All wes gots to eat round here is stale bread and water. That is why I is sittin here writin to y'all. We need Billy and Jack to deliver supplies to us Unions. Um, ok. I LOVE that I chose to make the Dad sound like a hill billy IN HIS WRITING. Not only does this man speak in stereotypes he WRITES in stereotypes. (The stereotype of course being: people in olden days didn't know how to speak or write too good and ain't not as smart as us people todays). Now, of course when I hear or read letters written from this period I actually know how eloquent and well spoken people at the time were. Well. We all is got our stereotypes that need shattering. My stereotype of "people from the past is dumb" has done been shattered

"Oh can we ma ca we?" Jack cut in.
"I...I...I'll have to think about. Billy keep reading." Ma said trying to change the subject.
We're desperate. Men are not only dyin' of bein' shot but out a sickness too. We need food and medication. I know this is a hard decision, but more men are dying then that need to be dying. I love you all very much.
At breakfast the next morning:
"Well may, did y'all think about it?" Jack asked hopefully
"Kep' me up all last night, but yeah I thought bout it." Ma answered?
"Well?" asked Jack while gobbling up this oatmeal and chugging a glass of milk"


Here is where we will leave the story for today. Are you totally hooked?? Log on next time for the next installment of...



Anonymous said...

wow, what a great story! i can't wait for more! even better about those hill billy that they're UNION soldiers, and therefore not from the south. just a thought, 10-year-old amy.

Anonymous said...

and ma sounds pretty well spoken compared to pa

Amy said...

So what if they're Southern?? MAYBE they're PROGRESSIVE. Have you ever thought about that??? MAYBE they're friends with Abe Lincoln.