Addleheading For Life

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


- One month until the semester is over.
- One month and one day until The New Play Festival.
- One month and three days until performance of one person show.
- Roughly one month until screenplay is due.
- One month with more work hours than usual.
All good things. But excuse me for a moment while I say, "yipes!"

So, the videos I embed in this blog I post to youtube first, right? They don't make much sense out of context. And on my "youtube" page I explain that they're meant for this blog and have a link and such. Recently, I've had people "subscribe" to my youtube videos. Usually the name is something like this: xXxJessicaxXx and it has a link to her special little website, usually something like or something. And her profile says something like, "Check out my pictures guys!" Um. Should I be worried if girls from porn sites are subscribing to my youtube videos? It's probably a viral-spam thing (?) BUT let's face it...they could also be trying to recruit my hot bod. Here is what I think happened:
One of these girls saw one my videos. And said to themselves, "Oh my the world needs to see this girl with her clothes off. I'm going to subscribe to her videos and make her my new BFF."

As I type this post I'm sitting in the Information Commons. It's 7:30 am there are maybe two other people in here. Of the two of them one of them is sitting right next to me. Ok, look...I'm generally a people person. I like people. But it kinda weirds me out that this dude walked in and decided to pick the computer right next to me instead of one of the, oh, 30 or so others he could have picked from-just on this floor. And I can smell him. He's clean. He clearly just got out of the shower. Bad news? He uses Axe. I know these things. I have a 19 year old brother. Sorry dude. Your axe body wash does not make me want to jump all over you like in the commercials. Au contraire, whether it's good or bad-I don't like boy smell. At all.

Don't forget to play the Find The Bad Thing contest. (Can I just interject here and say how much I love hyperlinks?) As of right now, I only have two guesses guessed. REMEMBER you don't necessarily have to be right to win. I will probably just pick the most ridiculous answer because that's just the way I roll. Let's say I'll announce the winner Friday? So have your guesses guessed by Friday! The prize is going to be awesome. And by awesome I of course mean ridiculous and probably awkward.

I've started drinking coffee in the morning. I suppose this is better than Diet Coke.

POINT (An addition to yesterday's post about bookstore girl):
Bookstore girl, if you read this blog (duh, everyone reads this blog)and if you were hitting on me and not just trying to be a good salesperson (duh, everyone hits on me): I am not interested. Sorry. October was a long time ago. It's not that I'm fickle (Whoa, at first I mistyped that as "fuckle" I'm sorry if it's really 15 year old boy of me but that's just really funny) it's just that I have moved on, bookstore girl. You should move on too. Clearly, I could not and did not spend the days of October - Now wondering what you do and where you go (name that musical). I'm sorry if you've been pining for me. But soon there may be naked pictures of me on the Internet because porn stars are subscribing to my youtube videos and trying to recruit me into their web (HA! PUN!) of sexy (blech)-so...go look at those? Ew, no don't that freaks me out. Also, it sorta weirds me out that you remembered me. It's not cute. It might have been cute at say, maybe the end of October. Or beginning of Novemeber. But now it's just weird. The statute of limitations on remembering me has passed, bookstore girl. It has passed.

If I could learn anything in the world, well I would learn several things:
a) How to play either the guitar or piano (or cello or violin) (or drums)
b) How to sail (like a boat)
c) How to be a silks acrobat!!! think I'm kidding, but really...I'm not. I think there should be a week set aside each year where people can go learn something totally outside themselves if they want. And maybe they suck, but judgement is put aside for a half second and people just get to learn and do things they never thought they would or could do...In the magical random kindgom of Queen Random Amy...

We have to figure out a location for the magical Random kingdom. Let me know if want to live there. Also, let me know where and how we can aquire unicorns. And how to make laser beams shoot out of their horns.

Blogs that I blog (yes, I just said that) early in the morning while drinking coffee are fun huh?

Now I need to go to class.

Have a super day.

1 comment:

Carly said...

It's not creepy that book-store-girl remembered you. Just think of the people that you remember in the box office...