Addleheading For Life

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Find The Bad Thing

So I my boss gave me this drawing a little girl made for me with explicit directions that I was to find what was wrong with the picture. I was supposed to "Find The Bad Thing" (as the directions clearly state). The girl who made this is about five. My boss drew the woman for her but the girl colored everything in. Can you find the bad thing?

How adorable is that?

So I'm thinking of making this a game...
Post what you think the "bad thing" is. You do not have to be a member of blogger to post comments to my blog so whoever you are, wherever you are, whenever you are, you can GUESS.
If you will get a mystery prize.
So guess if you like and I'll post the answer and winner (if there is one, the bad thing is pretty hard to spot) in a few days. We'll see how this goes. Maybe I'll make contests a regular thing on Confusing Ideas if this goes well. In order for it to go well you have to PLAY!


David A said...

Ugg...the bad thing would be if she can't get a refund for that dress!

Anonymous said...

Is it the fact that her top clover is blue? Man this is hard!

Anonymous said...

one eyebrow is tweezed nicely and the other is not

Carly said...

Her neckerchief is blue and not green?

Carly said...

WAIT! I revoke my last comment.

The "bad" thing is that she has the Barbie disease: her waist is too small to be able to support her upper torso given the ridiculously disproportionate size of her bosom. She wouldn;t be able to stand erect.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the bad thing is that her arms have turned purple and her hands have fallen off. Poor thing!

Anonymous said...

got it! she spelled find wrong! it;s not spelled fiend

woo hoo!!

Anonymous said...

I have two schools of thought on this:

1) She has no nose.

2) The bad thing just might be that grown people are spending their important time looking at a drawing by a child in search of a "bad thing", which may or may not actually exist.

Anonymous said...

it's friday - we are all dying to know the bad thing