Addleheading For Life

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Life Beyond The Blog

So lately I've been having that whole "what am I going to do with my life?" thought process in my head. I mean, what am I going to do with my life besides blog? I am going to be graduating college soon and granted I'm already in the working force...but what direction do I want my life to take?

So I've come up with a few things I hope to do with my life:

1) I'd like to have a travel show. Me and a friend would go cross country in a beat up RV. Like the opening credits would go like this:

"Hi I'm Amy."
"Hi I'm Meghan."
"And we're traveling cross country in this RV!"
(And then the front bumper to the RV falls off. Or maybe the engine).

It would be the best travel show ever. We wouldn't necessarily visit places that would help people plan trips or be where people would want to go...but we would be entertaining to watch.

"Today we are visiting the home of the world's largest potato, just off highway blah blah in blah blah blah. I'm going to see if they'll let me in with 10 rolls of tin foil. If I make it in with the tin foil, I'm going to start to wrap the potato. And if I get that far...well, we'll have to track down an oven large enough to bake it."

On some shows we would randomly knock on someone's door and see if we could stay for dinner. And then I guess sometimes would could do meaningful stuff episode about the Grand Canyon or something. But that episode would at the very least, include a donkey ride down to the bottom.

2)I would really, really, REALLY like to be in an action movie at some point. Ok. I spend, probably 60-70% of the day day-dreaming. Seriously. And probably 15-20% of those day-dreams are about being in an action movie. jumping from the roof of one building to another. in high speed car chase/gun fight in a parking garage.
Like...the big steel doors closing on a warehouse so the villain can get away and put his evil plot into motion and me making it through just in time by way of a slide across the floor or some sort of dramatic dive, or sometimes, by way of a motorcycle. THEN I get off, rip off my helmet, shake out my hair, put my "mad" face on and say, "All right, [insert villain name here], the jig is up. So why don't you just surrender now and give back the nuclear warhead. And all that money you stole from the orphanage, those kids won't go without a Christmas on my watch." But then the villain would start to run, and we'd be in a warehouse, so you know...there's lots of crap everywhere. So we start to run through the warehouse and it's hard to tell where the bad guy is going. I round a corner and...he trips me and cocks his gun right in my face. Villain man says, "Looks like the jig is up for you now, Connor (my action-movie name), and I'll never give that money back to the orphans. Looks like Santa won't be coming for them this year." And just as he's about to pull the trigger, I kick him in the balls, flip up, knock the gun out of his hand, head butt him, and cock the gun in his face. I say, "Oh Santa's coming this year." Then I smirk, and radio for back-up to come and take the scum-bag in, 'cause I just chase down the criminals and beat the crap out of them...I don't actually arrest them. Ok, so then cut to...just outside the warehouse. The bad guy is getting put in the police car and yells at me, "You'll pay for this Connor. You haven't heard the last from me!" (Sequel???)
OK. So then. The gorgeous detective from the FBI walks over to me and says, "Bang up job on catching [insert villain name here],Connor." OK, so I put down the ice on my black eye long enough to look her in the eye and say, "Thanks, Detective Campbell." THEN she says, "You can call me Vanessa." I say, "Ok...Vanessa." Then she says, "How about I buy you a drink. You know, just to say, 'Thank you for stopping a nuclear terrorist.'" Then I say, "Sorry, Vanessa, but I got an awful lot of paper work to get to on this case." Then Vanessa says, "I thought you just chase down the bad guys? You don't actually have anything to with arresting them?" I do my trademark (yes its a trademark now) smirk and say, "I suppose one drink couldn't hurt." And then one more trademark smirk, then Vanessa smiles, then maybe the movie ends there or maybe there's a scene where we make-out. I vote for make-out. Awesome. I think all I really want is to feel awesome like that for a second. And being in an action movie would make me feel really awesome. Especially if I got to make out with the hot detective at the end.

3)I really want to get a dog and make it my best friend. You know, the kind of dog that's follows you everywhere. Kind of like a side-kick. Not unlike my Dad and his toy-poodle. But unlike those two, my dog would be hardcore. My dog wouldn't be a wuss or mentally damaged and could actually do cool, dog things. a fire if we were ever lost in the wild, or track me down if I were ever kidnapped.

...Um. Yeah. That about sums it up. What I want to do with my life I mean...
a) Have a travel show.
b) Star in an action movie.
c) Get a side-kick dog.

...Oh yeah I'd also really like to be a pirate at some point. Like on the ocean. Mostly 'cause I think they're outfits are cool and I think it would be fun to man a pirate ship.

Found on a jaunt through the dictionary:
Megadeath: one million deaths - used as a unit in reference to nuclear warfare.

And now. In a sentence:
Connor's fabulous dectective work and ass-kicking tactics that averted an attack by [insert villain name here] likely saved the world from numerous megadeaths.

Once again from a conversation from the studio...
MIKE: How old are you??
ME: I'm 94.
GIANNA: You look pretty good for your age.
ME: Why thank you.
MIKE: How old are you really?
ME: Really? I'm 32.
MIKE: Really?
ME: Really.
LILY: You don't look 32.
ME: Well I am.
MIKE: You look like you're 12.
LILY: Yeah. I thought you were like 15.
ME: Ok really? I'm 21.
MIKE: Ok. That's better. But you still look like you're 12.

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