Addleheading For Life

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Welcome to Chicago Where It's A Balmy 60 Degrees In January

...brought to you by Global Warming.

Big round of appaluse for Global Warming, everybody.

What's that?
No that baby polar bear isn't crying. Well...yes...he is crying but because he's so happy. Yes. So happy. You see, baby polar bear has always wanted to see what it would be like to live in a climate with temperatures above freezing. So he cries tears of joy. Thank you Make-A-Wish for making this baby polar bear's dream come true*.

*DISCLAIMER: Make-A-Wish is no way affilated with Global Warming

(Will someone please shoo the crying baby polar bear into the closet. I'm trying to make everyone think global warming is awesome here, and it doesn't help when cute baby polar bears are crying! And shoo those penguins wearing the "Re-Freeze The Ice Caps" t-shirts into the closet too!...I don't give a damn if the crying baby polar bear might eat the penguins in fact it might be a good idea. Give the baby polar bear a bottle of tartar sauce and lock them all in the closet.)
...even for my blog...
That was random.

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