Addleheading For Life

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Good Day Indeed

Today was a good day...

It was 40 degrees out today. (A little rainy and windy yes, but I had to stop myself from putting on shorts and a t-shirt)

Blackberries were buy one get on free at the grocery store. (I already ate a box. They were a little tart, but hey...what do you expect when they're buy one get one?)

I made some good strides on my documentary theatre project today. I have a meeting with my professor tomorrow to sort of go over what I've come up with so far. Ha...she could tell me to go a completely different direction, but as of right now...I feel pretty good about what I've accomplished thus far.

I had nachos for lunch. Nachos are a staple of my diet. Cheap, easy, and tasty. I think Nachos are what God made on the 7th day to eat while he watched a football game. Seriously, pretty sure it's in the Bible. Yeah...right here, "And on the seventh day God rested. But first he madeth himself a grand plate of nachos. And it was very very good. And he ateth them all instantly and then suffered indigestion, so God madeth Pepto Bismo. And God madeth it pink because God haveth a sense of humor and a penchant for the color pink. And so it was."

Oh yeah...and remember how I said in my last post I was holding on to my "ridiculous" crush? Um, all I have to say is that I have no idea how it's possible for someone to be that hot.
That's all.

DAVID: You can take the girl out of home depot, but you can't take the homo out of the girl.

Thanks, David.

1 comment:

David A said...

your welcome, kyle.