Addleheading For Life

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Today's Horoscope

This was my horoscope for today...

"Romantic prospects can influence your receptiveness -- you could get starstruck."

Gee thanks yahoo horoscope.
If I coulda had that warning like...months ago that woulda been swell. You're telling me now?

Although, I'm not even really sure I know what this means..."influence my receptiveness"? "Starstruck"? I mean, is this like a warning? Like, a romantic prospect could make you deaf, dumb, and blind? Or is it like a "be on the look out" sorta thing? Like, a romantic prospect that's so great it will knock me off my feet?

Huh. Well, clearly, you know nothing about my romantic prospects (eh..."prospects" is a strong word) (especially when used in the same sentence as "starstuck"). Really...what this horoscope should say:

"Dear Amy,
You're hopeless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're all a little hopeless :)