Addleheading For Life

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Scary Dreams With Giant Snakes AND A Good Way To Kill Time Before Work

So, I violated that "Amy's Not Allowed To Watch Animal Cops" rule I set up for myself. I watched an epidode last night right before going to bed. In this episode, the exotic animal trappers had to get a 10 foot python out of someone's backyard pond.
So what haunted my dreams last night?
If you guessed: 10 foot python with teeth. You would be correct. For whatever reason, in the dream, I was a snake trapper. As I was as afraid of snakes in the dream as I am in real life, I had no idea why Dream Amy thought being a snake trapper would be a smart career choice. Anyway, we trapped the snake who I would not describe as a "Happy Camper" and put it in our truck. Which had no sealed area so it pretty much meant the snake could attack and bite (did I mention this snake had a set of teeth?)(And no, not snake fangs)(Like...teeth)our asses at any moment while driving it back to base. We get it back to base and the lights in the base aren't working (a common occurrence in my dreams, where lights are out and/or I can't see well (can't see well as in Dream Amy doesn't have her glasses on)). Anyway, back at base the snake ESCAPES. Oh, did I mention the base is also my house? So, now the lights are out in my base-house and we have a 10 foot python with teeth loose. A snake infiltrating my place of habitation is pretty much my worst nightmare. And here it nightmare last night. AND since I watched this particular segment of Animal Cops right before going to sleep in the morning I had a really difficult time distinguishing between what I actually saw on TV and what had just happened in my dream.

But enough about snakes. They are ugly and mean and I hate them and frankly, while I'm well aware they serve some sort of ecological purpose, I would not be the least bit sad if they went extinct. They could fall off the face of the earth and I would throw a party.

On to more cute things...

So this morning I had some errands to run before work. Like getting my Q-Tip head cut. So I go get that done. And I've got some time to kill before I need to be at work. Luckily, there is a pet store right next to the hair cut place. The kind of pet store with puppies. The kind of pet store where the tops of cages are open so you can pet:
Guinea Pigs


Pet stores always make me a little sad because I want to take everything home (except snakes) and also because the puppies pretty much live in a two by two cage. I was the crazy person walking up and down the cages of puppies, talking to them through the glass, like they could actually understand me. I tried to tell them how cute they were, and how I wished I could take them all home. I mean, if and when the time comes that I could ever have a special pooch of my own I would certainly adopt from a shelter. BUT STILL the cuteness in the store was undeniable. Puppies romping with each other despite their little cages. And if I stopped to have a closer look...they put their little paws on the glass. I couldn't hang around too long because I did have a credit card in my wallet and might have done something really stupid. Now, I am a sucker for a scrappy looking pup and I have to say the Daschund-Poodle mix I saw might be the cutest pooch I've seen in a while. The Chihuahuas were also quite cute. Unlike the other puppies, they just sat there staring through the glass at me as if to say, "What you want? A song and dance? Pssh We dance for no one, lady. You don't want to take us home? Move along muchacha. Make room for the people who can afford us." (Said obviously with a bad Spanish accent).

Besides gaping at all the cute puppies, I also got to pet hamsters, guinea pigs and bunnies.
Additionally, I rough-housed/caused trouble with some baby ferrets. Adult ferrets are pretty nasty, not gonna lie. But the babies? Simply adorable. They had some playful sass going on and I loved it.

In other news...
The webshow IS coming. It may be the first and last episode because David and I are putting ideas together for a webshow we'll do together called "Two Platonic Gays and a Couch". But I will still post the pilot webshow I made. I haven't been staying at my house this past week so I've haven't had a chance to put on the finishing touches. BUT definitely look for it in the next two-three days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the double paranthases