Addleheading For Life

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Not That I Ever Lacked Any, But...

I have new found more respect for my mother.

Teaching Kindergardeners is exhausting. It's day three and I feel like I want to pass out. I really only have these kids for a total of four hours everyday.
How did she do it all day?
How did she do it WITH CANCER?!?!


I am battle scarred and bruised. Blue paint all the way up my arm. Black splotches up and down my other arm. Oh. And orange too. And some cream on my elbow. Oh look...more orange. And glitter. Glitter. EVERYWHERE.

Tiring as it is, I'm enjoying it. The kids are pretty damn funny. in the afternoon, there's this little girl playing the tortoise who is so hilarious. We were rehearsing today and I was introducing all the characters...
ME: Once upon a time, in a forest not too far away, there was a tortoise...say hello tortoise.
HER: Hello Tortoise! *Waves*
She said it in complete and total earnest and was not trying to be a smart ass. I busted a gut.

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