Addleheading For Life

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Sad and Decrepit State of My Love Life

So my love life is sad and decrepit.

I will admit that I recently posted myself on personals website. I don't really know why. I haven't paid for it, so it's not like I could contact anyone if I wanted to. And really all it does is depress me. And its not like if faced with the real possibility I would jump at the idea of having a girlfriend right now anyway. I think I just like to look at see that other people out there are as lonely as I am sometimes. It depresses me, but deep down somehow makes me feel a little better. And sometimes when I read one I think, "Wow, I could maybe like/get along with you." And it gives me hope that there may be someone out there for me and that I won't be end up alone with 40 cats and a hot tub (don't ask me why I think I'll be alone with a hot tub and 40 cats). ANWYAY. I haven't gotten any responses to my profile from other people. Until recently.

It was from a 37 year-old who lives in California.

...not that there's anything wrong with a 37 year-old. Or people who live in California. It's just...not the sort of attention I was looking to get. Not that I was looking for any attention specifically. But I was hoping for something more along the lines of, oh I don't know..."Hi, my name is _________ I am 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, or 26. I saw your profile and find your awkward disposition and striking resemblance to Harry Potter adorable. You sound so awesome. Let's fall in love."

I just have this magical idea in my head about falling in love. I was talking about this with my gay boyfriend, David. And we both have fantasies about meeting the love of our lives in Borders or a book store. Like...our hands simultaneously falling across the same book.
I have fantasies about literally running into someone and crap falling everywhere and in the mad rush to pick up everything that was dropped, in the midst of a thousand apologies and explanations about being a klutz...our eyes meet. Somewhere in the distance "Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear?" plays and we are in love.

...and if you're laughing at me right now...fine. But don't tell me you've never played that scenario in your head. Because I think you probably have. We're all hopeless romantics deep down I think. As much as we may try and pull off the cynical, nonchalant WHATEVER...deep down we all want to run smack into someone, meet their eyes and hear "Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear?" Don't pretend like you don't!

Ok...I could probably think of a few songs I'd rather hear. But the idea is the same:
Meet someone. Run into them. Whatever.
Hear a song.
Fall in love.

Simple, right?

I think I probably have to stop trying so hard. I shouldn't be looking so hard. I think have to hope that there is some grain of truth to my stupid fantasies and that someone will walk into my life when I least expect it. That someone will literally run right into me and send me head over heels.

Then again...maybe I'm hopeless.

So me and David often joke about someone seeing us out in the world and then there being a "Missed Connections" ad for us somewhere. Like on craigslist or something.
So a while ago I posted a "Missed Connections" ad for David because I knew exactly where he was one day. It went something like this:

"You: Hot Latino-looking man (Mexican maybe?) sitting by the lake Sunday around 4:30. I saw you checkin' out all the boys. You didn't see me, but I def saw you.
Me: Short, white. Kinda look like Harry Potter.
Maybe on a cold day in hell if we both are desperate enough."

So it was a good joke and we all laughed. Hahahaha.

Then, I got a response. Like a real response from someone who read the ad. This is what it really said, I just copied and pasted:

"Hola, dude!

I was reading your ad and I think that you are sweet.
I am Latin but not the guy that you saw at LSD. I just
answer to let you know that I did like it and he have
to answer you because you sounds nice guy! Good luck
and take care. Ciao, M"

So potential as of right now it appears my dating options are:
a) A 37 year-old from California
b) A random latin-gay-man from somewhere around Chicago who thinks I'm sweet based on a "Missed Connections" ad I posted for someone else as a joke.

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

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