Addleheading For Life

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Blog Renovation: 2007

So you may have noticed that recently, my blog output has increased by 57%.

Ok, so I made that number up. But the point is, I'm blogging more. And I want to keep it that way.

It's my goal to blog at least every other day. And that's a goal not a promise. So like the Iraq-war can't really hold me to anything I say.

In the next couple hours...or days depending on how ambitious I will notice some changes to the blog, Confusing Ideas Since 1986, that you have come to know and love. Well maybe not "love" but I like to make believe I have a huge-adoring-fan-base. Maybe one day my blog will be big enough where you, my huge-adoring-fan-base, will have t-shirts. And they will say strange things on them that only people who read my blog will understand (ie: you. My huge-adoring-fan-base). And THEN my huge-adoring-fan-base, we will together take over the WORLD. I get to be Emperor though. Since, you know, I just started the blog that would lead a fan-base to take over the world. It's only fair.

Anyway...getting back to Blog Renovation: 2007...

The content of the blog is not going to change. I pride myself on being somewhat of an anti-blog. I'm not really sure what that means exactly. But I guess to point is...continue to expect off-center ramblings, rants, raves. There's just going to be more of it (Hopefully. Remember...Goal. Not promise.)

Here are some things that will change:
POINT A: More blog content. Goal is to increase blog output by 67% (I made that number up)
POINT B: Links on my blog page to places I like. Hopefully this list will grow as I, well, remember places I like to go to on the web.
POINT C: New layout.
POINT D: Bring back the quote-of-the-day. Have one for every post.
POINT E: Implement a word-of-the-day with weird, obscure words.
POINT F: New look? This point is a maybe. Maybe I will change the look and color of my blog. Maybe not. Who knows.

And so, my is through these small changes that I hope to bring this blog to a point where you could all have t-shirts. And soon after that...THE WORLD.

What other blog hopes to bring you the world? That's what I thought, huge-adoring-fan-base. That's what I thought. Thus, I hope you will understand that it is in your best interests to remain a LOYAL-huge-adoring-fan-base.
And that's not a threat.
It's just a warning.

...and yes, I know that my huge-adoring-fan-base consists of five people. But Rome wasn't built in a day! Granted. Rome had slave-labor. And we live in a free country where people can "decide" if they want to read my blog or not.
Hm. Whatever.


Anonymous said...

we need to talk more so i can make more appearances on your return to quote of the day!

Anonymous said...

"...and yes, I know that my huge-adoring-fan-base consists of five people"

but five people who adore you is not too shabby. and it's really 6, dominic hears your blogs when i read them to him as i am laughing my ass off.