Addleheading For Life

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yay! 4 Hours of Sleep!

(So is now Thursday night at 10:45 and after sitting with this post all day I decided to delete what I wrote about the bailouts/america/whatever. I just can never seem to say exactly what I want to in the way I want to. These past couple days I've been almost stunned into silence and what was up here earlier today was just my mind exploding onto my blog. Ugh. One day. One day I will be able to write well about such things.)

But here for your enjoyment is still the part about how I couldn't find my keys this morning:
So, I got about 4 hours of sleep last night. I wake up pretty early to get so school (5:45am) because I find I got a lot done earlier in the day. I enjoy the morning, starting the day with a cup of coffee and getting the baulk of my work done by 10amish. Because, I start to shut down around 10:00pm. But I had a lot of work to do last night, and passed the "second wind" threshold around 11:30pm so I wasn't terribly tired at 1:00am so I thought, "why not just study some more?"
So I did.
And went to bed around 2am.
I woke up this morning at 5:45am from pretty much a robust nap.
I showered, put on some clothes (nobody likes a naked Amy).
I gathered my stuff.
My keys were on the floor. (Great place for them)
I pick them up.
I do something with them.
I continue to pack my stuff.
Wallet in pocket.
Cell phone in pocket.
Pocket knife in pocket (so gay).
Backpack on.
Ready to head out the door.
Where are my keys?
Desk? No.
Under bed? No.
Under massive piles of paper and books on desk? No.
They were on the floor.
I stare at the floor.
Not there.
Am I missing them?
Stare at the floor some more.
But they were on the floor.
"Amy, wake up. Your keys are on the floor. You're just not seeing them."
"Amy, I don't see your keys on the floor."
"Amy, keep staring. They will appear."
"Amy...where are your keys?"
Desk? No.
Under papers? No.
On the floor?
"Amy, this time, stare at the floor harder."
"Amy, what did you do with your keys?"
"Amy, seriously, your room is like...10 feet by 10 feet this is not a large amount of space to lose a set of keys in the span of 5 minutes."
"Amy, they were just here."
Then I vaguely remembered...
Had I?
Why would I?
Oh, I should check...
And yes. I did.
I put them clipped them inside the little front pocket of my backpack.
Who knows.

And since it's now almost 11:00 on Thursday night I must say that for a day running on 4 hours of sleep, it wasn't half bad. School is off to a decent start. AND I got my pony poem back today in poetry class (I wrote a poem about ponies) (don't worry, I used the word "horse" instead of "pony" like a big girl) AND the professor said it was my best work yet! Granted, it still needs revisions but SHIT I don't know why I waited four weeks into the semester to write about ponies! Soooooo...what did Amy learn at school this week?
Ponies + Poems = Winning Combination

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