Addleheading For Life

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So Much Trouble

So the date today is December 19th.
And I have yet to start my Christmas shopping.
It's not like I've been lazy.
Seriously, I don't think I've had a complete day off in around four weeks. As of late, 8:30am is considered "sleeping in" for me.
So don't think I haven't started because I've been too busy sitting around sipping drinks with tiny little umbrellas while being fanned by totally hot pool girls. While I certainly wish that was the case, is not.
I have not started Christmas shopping because I've just been to darn busy.
I had hopes of decorating my apartment for Christmas, of baking Christmas cookies, of hand making all my Christmas cards this year...and just Martha Stewarting it up in general this year.
But nay. I'm pretty much just home to sleep. Forget decorating, baking, and making Christmas cards. Sorry guys. But don't expect anything from the Martha Stewart handbook from me this year.
I never was good at doing things Martha Stewart style anyway.
My projects are always a little rough around the edges.
My cookies come out tasting a little funny and maybe a little burnt and misshapen.
But you know what?
I do everything with love (I'm going to beat the "doin' it with love" thing to a bloody pulp, just so you know).
Does Martha Stewart do things with love?
If you ask me...I don't think so.
She does things with Obsessive Compulsive Perfectionism.
And if you ask me...there's a difference between love and Obsessive Compulsive Perfectionism.
Love is a macaroni necklace. Obsessive Compulsive Perfectionism is...not.
I'll take the macaroni necklace thank you very much.
I think we may apply this concept of OCP vs. love to relationships as well. Some relationships might look perfect (Quarterback and Head Cheerleader 2gether4ever) on the surface, but deep down you may find they're missing something (Not unlike a bundt cake. It might look great but then you see it's got a hole right through the middle of it. And no amount of perfectly placed powdered sugar, or well drizzled chocolate could make you feel any better about eating a cake a missing center).
Now let us look at relationship with love. They might not look right together (Captain of Math Team and Head Cheerleader 2gether4ever)but they have a little something more because they're not missing their entire center. Captain of Math Team and Head Cheerleader 2gether4ever are awesome because:
They're less about looking right and more about just being right.
That's my little nugget of wisdom for today.
So I will always make and do things with love.
And not with Obsessive Compulsive Perfectionism.
AND I am not too worried about starting my Christmas shopping because there is always time to do things with love but not always time to do things with OCP.
So there.
And even though I've now spent an entire post justifying why I do things with love...I will still continue to beat the phrase to a bloody pulp in forthcoming posts. In FACT if I were to make blog t-shirts for friends and fans of my blog. They might just have to say:

"Confusing Ideas Since 1986
Blogging With Love Since 2006"

Oh my god.
It's lame enough that when people ask me, "What are your hobbies?"
I respond, "Blogging."
If that t-shirt ever were to be made and people asked, "Say, what's your t-shirt mean?"
I would say, "It's inside joke. Only people who read my blog would get it."
That would probably reach a new "lame" low.

Oh, and I don't mean to imply as I did earlier that ALL Quarterback/Head Cheerleader relationships are empty and meaningless. Who's to say that the Head Cheerleader isn't a dude? And Quarterback wants his teammates to accept he's dating a Head Cheerleader that happens to be a DUDE! But his teammates are homophobes so nobody on the team passes him the said he was the Quarterback right? I guess nobody would pass him the ball because he's the one he throws it. Right. But when he throws it to people, his teammates purposely drop it or won't catch it to try and sabotage his career! AND THEN! In the stirring climax...THE COACH of the team comes out and tells his team he's dating CLARK the head of the DRAMA department. The team dissolves into uproar upon learning that their beloved coach is gay. THEN (did I mention they were on a bus going to the biggest game of the SEASON)because of the uproar, the bus driver is temporarily blinded and swerves into oncoming traffic, the COACH in his old age, gets so frightened he has a heart attack and DIES!!!! His last words are, "Win it for me boys." And then the team, inspired comes together and WINS the biggest game of the season. Because, in a show of acceptance of him as a Quarterback AND a gay man, the team CATCHES the Quarterbacks passes. Um. So that was kind of dirty? I think? This is either the movie script for the Logo-Lifetime movie of the year or the next big gay porn. And then the movie ends with a touching scene from Coach's funeral. Where all the players stand up and say something touching about him.
The End.

(Trying to get my pizza slice, cheese falls off...I try and pick it up and put in on my pizza. Apparently I missed some)
DAVID: Will you please take all of your goo?! (Picks it up and puts it on my pizza)
CARLY: Haha...Magoo's goo.

After sharing her story about how she inadvertently killed her fish when cleaning it's taken by putting it in cold water (from the fridge)
CARLY: What kind of fish was it?
CARLY: Betas need 80 degree water!
MICHELLE: You need 80 degree water! (Storms off)

(Clearbrook is a school for people with special needs)
DAVID:(In reference to something I did. I think it was insisting that I put away the ticket stock on the top shelf which is difficult for me because I am short instead of just letting David do it)...and this is what it's like to work at Clearbrook.
and later...
DAVID: (After I said something in relation to dating/relationships)...and this is what it's like to date Clearbrook.
Ouch, David. Ouch. Those are some pretty good zingers. Albeit un-PC zingers. But good zingers none-the-less.

Dear 6am,
I guess you and me are BFF.

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