Addleheading For Life

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Post of Quotes and A Love Letter

Get ready. There are a TON today.
TYLER: You know what? My tummy hurt earlier today. My tummy hurt. But then I pooped and it felt better. Sometimes your tummy hurts when you have to poop. Do you know what? When you eat food it turns into poop. You eat food and then you poop it out.
(Now, normally I might gently chastise for using "potty" language, but...Tyler did not say anything was was untrue. He was absolutely right. And I don't think he was saying "poop" for the sake of saying "poop." I think he just likes to share what he's learned lately, and yesterday that just so happened to be about the logistics of poopage.

MAX: You know what? I can burp and talk at the same time. (He does so)
AMY: Burping is not nice.
MEGAN: You know what? I can spell my last name! (Does so)
COURTNEY: I can spell cat. C-A-T!
MAX: I can spell burp. B-R-P!
AMY: Not quite there buddy. You forgot the "u". But that was really close. Burp is hard to spell when you're four.

(After a phone call conversation with "Santa")
MRS. YUEILL: So Santa said that we should leave him cookies on Christmas eve. Maybe we should leave the reindeer something to eat. What do you guys think reindeer eat?
RITA: (With the utmost authority) They eat sugar and happy thoughts!

AMY: I hope I don't screw up the mechandise. I get really nervous around math and money and lots of people around me. I hope I don't mess it up.
STEVE: You've got it under control.
AUDRA: Oh, I was going to say, "me too."
AMY: I should be fine. Sometimes you have to do things you're afraid of, right?
AUDRA: Right.
AMY: ...but I will never swim with sharks.
STEVE: Me either.
LORELEE: I don't like even going in the ocean at all. It's too scary. There's too many creepy things in the ocean
AUDRA: (With dead sincerity)Oh yeah. An octopus could wrap its tentacles around you and pull you under.
LORELEE: Or those tiny jelly fish you can't even see but if they sting you, you could die!

AMY: (Discovering chocolate I forgot about in my bag)Holy crap, chocolate! I forgot this was in here. My ride home just got a little sweeter!
AUDRA: Good pun!
AMY: I like puns.
AUDRA: I know you like puns.
AMY: The worse, the better.
*Guys I have a serious addiction.
It's called chocolate.
I almost always have some on me. In fact, I just went through my bag and you want to know what I found?
Half a Cadbury Milk Chococlate candy bar(from above discovery)
A uarter of a pack of M&Ms.
A quater of a bar of Godiva Dark Chocolate
And Two Hershey Kisses.

Dear Cabbie I drove in back of last night with the back window decorated for Christmas with lights, fake snow, and ugly Santas,
You made my night.

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