Addleheading For Life

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Word(s) On Various Things

THING: Pilot Webshow.
WORD: Coming.

WORD(s): Ok. I am so excited to see this. Like, even more excited to see this than the movie about the singing chihuahuas. And I'll admit...ok, I may have been a bit premature in my exuberance over the singing chihuahua movie. OK?! I won't force anyone to go see a movie about singing Chihuahas who are secretly some form on ancient warrior with me. But I will demand someone to go see this movie with me. Pretty sure the hamster and the pigeons are my favorite, already.

THING: Last semester of my senior year.
WORD(s): Less than a month away.

THING: John McCain.
WORD: Old.

THING: The Dark Knight.
WORD: Possibly one of the most awesome movies I have ever witnessed.

THING: The Juno Soundtrack
WORD: I finally have it. And I can't stop singing it. All of it. "All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea (Harmonica Breakdown)" But I especially love this song:

It's sorta beautiful.

THING: Vegetarianism.
WORD(s): So the other day my Dad put hamburgers on the grill for himself and my brother. He put a veggie patty on for me. But he bought this veggie patties that had like...fully visible whole lima beans and corn kernals held together by some sort of spongy mess. He bought some kind called "Dr. So and So's Healthy Veggie Patties." Um, Dad? I appreciate the thought but anything with the title "Dr. So and So's Healthy Whatevers" is probably going to be pretty crappy. Anything. Even Ice Cream. "Dr. So and So's Healthy and Fun Fudge Pops" is pretty much code for "This Food Product Tastes Like Soggy Cardboard". Anyway, my Dad and my brother are making fun of me and my veggie patty.
MY BROTHER: Ew, what the hell is that?
ME: It's a veggie patty!
MR BROTHER: That looks like what you would feed a hamster.
ME: Shut up.
(My Dad is laughing)
MY DAD: Next thing you know she'll be asking for an exercise wheel.
MY BROTHER: And a giant ball to ride to work in.
ME: You guys are jerks.
(I take a bite of the veggie patty.)
MY DAD: (Laughing) How is it, hamster?
ME: It tastes like weeds.
MY DAD: Hm. These burgers are really good.

THING: John McCain.
WORD(s): Still old. In fact, older than he was thirty seconds ago.

THING: "Welcome to the 60s."
WORD(s): Always makes me feel happy.

...that's all for now.
I think...

Look for the first ever webshow to be up in the next few days!


Anonymous said...

I would go to see Bolt with you!

Here's the problem. Every time we try to go see a movie together, it just never happens. We even tried to plan on *not* seeing a movie together, in the hopes that we would fail at that, but no, we were successful.

So, yeah. I'll go see Bolt. But, we need to make sure that it can happen with both of us!

Carly said...

I love your dad and brother.