...and all this time I thought my pile of crap was levitating in mid-air: I finally cleaned and organized my desk! It's back in the working condition it should have been in for the entire semester.
Hi. My name is Amy. I spend a lot of time in my life being ridiculous. And a lot of time being awkward. And then I write about it. This is my blog. Are you excited? I bet you're asking yourself, "Amy, what the crap does 'addleheading' mean?" I'm so glad you asked. It's the most interesting story ever (hyperbole alert). Read about it HERE. You can find links to some of my readers' favorite posts below (some of my favs are included there too). Those posts represent the best of what I try to do with my blog. It's the best place to start if you're a new reader. Feel free to comment!
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