Let me give you a run-down of the last two days.
2:45am-Wake up. Yup. I was dumb and said I could work a special shift at work that started at 3:30am. It was actually fun to be there so early and be a part of this special event BUT I was dumb to schedule myself then with so much going on this week.
7am-Leave for school.
9:00am-11am-Final for a class.
11am-1pm-Furiously try and make copies for my chapbook (I've had numerous complaints about the use of the word "Chapbook" so I've had a request to name it after David. This request came from...well, David. It shall henceforth be referred to as the "David A Book of Effervescent Poetry Stylings"). Anyway. I fail at making copies, more than once. Finally, I get what I need and its off to...
1pm-2:10ish-Final for another class.
2:10-Run south to pick up headshots from David, then home. (My headshot looks AWESOME by the way. Many thanks to David A for taking them and freezing his butt off with me (we went and took them last Friday, which if you live in Chicago and remember...it was like 12 degrees that day.))
3:45-HOME long enough to freakin' SHOWER and EAT.
5:30-10pm-Back at work. Yes. Seriously.
10:30-Home. Run over monologues for Saturday.
11pm-I am a 8 ton of bricks on my bed.
6am-Wake up, dressed, shower, get in car-go to school.
9am-11:30-Perform final monologue for class.
Get changed, jump on the train, get off, stop at UPS store make copies for the cover of my David A Book of Effervescent Poetry Stylings (thank you nice UPS store lady who helped me copy my cover onto cardstock and was super mellow to my insanity). Get back on the train, get off, go to Starbucks, sit and work for a while on said books, go over monologue for...
Back on train. Back to school for...
4pm-Degree Completion Ceremony. Years of busting my ass and look, I got a keychain:
I will treasure it forever. My school is lovely. I owe it my education, but I gotta say this keychain was a little mean considering we DID NOT get caps and gowns NOR did we get to walk across a stage and get a fake diploma and that some of us likely won't be around in May to do that. Little mean, school. Little mean. BUT at the ceremony there were brownies, so I suppose I can't be too mad. Also, there were chocolate covered strawberries. Which are delicious.
THEN after the ceremony my Dad and I (after eating homemade empanadas (yum)) met my cousins at the ZOO! For ZOO LIGHTS! (The decorate the zoo with lights and you can go say hi to the animals. It was fun, even though it was raining. I got to groove with my little cousins and meet this dude:
All the monkeys were sleeeeeeeeping (well, apes). The chimps were sprawled out on the ground, mouths agape passed the heck out. It was pretty funny.
Then I came home, glued some stuff together for my David A Book of Effervescent Poetry Stylings, talked to some lovely people, and WENT TO BED.
10:00-I am passed out.
11am-I wake up after sleeping like a rock
Work on David A Book of Effervescent Poetry Stylings, GET THEM DONE! THAT'S RIGHT! THEY'RE DONE! Behold:
Front Cover (drawn and then copied, care of nice lady at the UPS store):
Back Cover:
Inside Covers (these are hand drawn with white colored pencil, cause it was easier than trying to copy onto black paper):
Amy Cover:
Yup. I had to make 16 of those. I made 20 just in case I get attacked by bear on the way to school who eats 4 of them. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. Hooray! They're DONE! Now, all I have to do is turn 'em in and I'll be DONE.
...it STILL hasn't set in how "done" I am.
BUT I am finally starting to slow down a little bit.
...my back hurts.
1 comment:
I am still laughing at "David A Book of Effervescent Poetry Stylings"
Congratulations on your ... keychain?
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