So I've been working like mad the past three days, trying to get everything done I need to for this, my final week of classes. When I run this way, I pretty much never allow my brain to rest. Which I know is a bad thing. And even though I know it would not kill me to chill out for 20 minutes, I can't make my brain stop. I would sit on the couch and twitch, so it's just better to keep going.
As such:
Sunday night while working on my set model for design I had chips and a diet coke for dinner.
Monday night I threw two frozen burritos in the microwave while working and ate them while working and then forgot I was eating them and two hours later was left with a weird stale burrito mass on my plate.
Last night I attempted to make eggs. But I did this, again, while working-cutting things with an X-acto, painting, and pasting. My eggs didn't turn out. I tried to eat them anyway. Bad idea. Diet coke and cookies for dinner!
I know.
I know.
I'll have a major project out of the way after today so I'm going to make up for the above nastiness by stopping at the grocery store, picking up some polenta, mushrooms and peppers and making something hearty and delicious for dinner tonight. I can't wait.
David's appropriately coined my brain right now, "Sarah Palin" brain. I'm saying things that don't make sense at all and stumbling through the world.
Want evidence?
This happened last night...
I listed my facebook status as, "Amy is a maniac, turning out papers and projects. But it should be noted her hair is out of control and she's only wearing one sock."
Meghan was on AIM at the time...
Meghan (9:43:38 PM): you're only wearing one sock?
Amy (9:43:43 PM): um.
Amy (9:43:44 PM): yes.
Amy (9:43:57 PM): i remember taking one off with the intention of taking the other off
Amy (9:44:04 PM): but then i got distracted
Meghan (9:44:05 PM): it happens
Amy (9:44:54 PM): it happens
Amy (9:45:01 PM): life gets in the way of these simple tasks
Meghan (9:45:08 PM): it does
Amy (9:45:14 PM): normally i could multi task and take off the sock while doing something else
Amy (9:45:23 PM): but with my mind in the state its in right now...
Meghan (9:45:24 PM): OKAY here's a plan:
Amy (9:45:29 PM): OKAY!
Meghan (9:45:31 PM): the next time you start to type at me over IM
Meghan (9:45:36 PM): take off your sock
Meghan (9:45:51 PM): is it off?! it better be off.
Amy (9:45:53 PM): um ok im typing now and trying to take my sock off
Amy (9:45:58 PM): its not off yet
Meghan (9:46:07 PM): you need drugs.
Amy (9:46:17 PM): ok its off
Amy (9:46:23 PM): i had to concentrate though
Meghan (9:46:24 PM): but now your feet are cold, no?
Meghan (9:46:31 PM): go get that sock and the other sock and put the two back on.
Amy (9:46:47 PM): no my feet are fine
Amy (9:46:49 PM): socks annoy me
Amy (9:46:59 PM): in a past life i was a bare foot hillbilly
Dear Loyola,
Give Amy her degree already. She's out of her mind.
Also, when my brain is running like this I have this weird thing where I sleep really really HARD but also am still sort of awake at the same time. I know, it's bizarre. Here's how I can explain it (yes this really happened):
I'm sleeping. Dreaming weird things. I have a dream I'm in my bed doing homework, like I was right before I fell asleep. I open something (I think it was a book or a box) and see SPIDERS! SPIDERS unleash themselves in my bed in my dream!! (This, seriously, is like one of my worst "this could really happen" nightmares) SO, in REAL LIFE I literally go from sleeping like a rock to FLYING out of my bed. No joke, I JUMP out of bed, spastically brushing "spiders" off me and fly to my light switch and turn on the light. No joke. And as soon as the light turns on and I look at my clock and see "1:45am" I "wake up", realize I was dreaming, turn off the light, fall back into bed, and PASS OUT. You would think having such an arresting nightmare would make it hard to fall back asleep. Nope. Not when you're Amy.
Tomorrow is my last day of classes.
Then two tests.
Then the making of 16 chapbooks (Anyone want a copy of my lame poetry book? Let me know and I'll make one for you. You can save it and use it as "make fun of Amy ammo").
One turning of a paper from a rough draft into a real draft.
One composing of a "Life List" and putting it together in project form.
One performance of a Greek Monologue.
...crap. I still have a lot to do.
But first...
presenting my design project.
heading to one more class.
driving home, stopping at the grocery store.
a sit down good and hot MEAL.