All right. I'm going to blog about it. I'm gonna do my best to keep it articulate and intelligent because I'm not the liberal "gotcha" media. I'm just a twenty-something lesbian trying to make sense of an issue that's important to me.
Gay Marriage.
The scandal!
Where to even start?
Let me start by saying this:
I ain't a-gunnin' to stick a ring on a girl's finger. I wouldn't call marriage a "life goal" of mine, meaning it's not something I have on "GOTTA DO THIS!" list. I don't equate marriage with being a "life step" like purchasing my own car or starting my 401K or buying a house.
To me, marriage is much more powerful than that. And rather than it being a step I HAVE to take...I hope it's a step I'll be LUCKY enough to take. And not "lucky" in the sense of it being legal. "Lucky" in the sense of finding that person willing to say, "I do." To me, marriage and potentially finding someone willing to put up with my shit forever, stick with me in good and bad, to be that one person who will always be there, to grate my last nerve and make me weak in the knees all in same day- is incredibly powerful.
To me, marriage is not about religion, it's not about a contract, it's not about economics or insurance. It is unequivocally and completely about love. And should the day ever come where I decide to share my life with someone I know in my heart what will be important is not the legalities of the matter. What will be important is the beautiful woman who will say to me, "Yeah Amy, I'll put up with your shit" and who I will say to, "Yeah beautiful woman, I'll put up with your shit too." The important thing will be our love and the celebration of it.
That's where I stand on marriage. And while I've learned never to say never and while I know things and people change I do feel pretty strongly that marriage is a one-time thing. It's not something I take lightly, it's not something I would do in Vegas, and it is not a system I would take advantage of (ie I wouldn't marry David just to reap whatever benefits he might have at his place of employment or file joint taxes).
So...honestly? There are some days where I say to myself, "Amy, do you really care about the legalities? Is it really THAT important?"
I know there is no law or person that could ever take away the love I'd have for the person I'd marry.
And it would be over my cold dead body that any law or person would try and take that person away from me.
I know both these points as fact.
I know that (sorry America) there is no law that could ever preserve the sanctity of marriage. Because the sanctity of marriage is preserved by the couple in the union and by no one and nothing else.
This also is a fact.
Abuse. Incest. Infidelity. Divorce.
And you're trying to prevent me from getting married because somehow the fact that I'd want to marry a woman destroys the sanctity of marriage? Sorry, but it seems to me like the heterosexual married world has got some work to do on the "sanctity of marriage" front before they start preaching to me about what is or is not "holy." I guess it isn't so much that if I got married I wouldn't have those legalities but it kinda shatters my heart that the world wouldn't see the love I have for that beautiful woman I'd marry as wonderful and WORTHY of those legalities.
And while my mother always told me it isn't important what others think as long as you're down with who you are and what you're up to in hurts.
And then there's the whole issue of RIGHTS and it being ridiculous that those same rights heterosexuals enjoy in their marriage wouldn't extend to me and my partner. I could beat this out till I'm blue in the face. Suffice it to say...I'd like my wife to be able to get into the hospital to see me should I ever get hit by a bus. It'd be nice to come have her hold my hand.
As a lesbian. This makes voting difficult.
I refuse to be the one issue voter. I know the issues at hand in the world today are greater than singular issues and greater than me. And it seems a little selfish to be concerned about my marriage rights when the world is blowing up.
I get that. I recognize that. I'm not righteous enough to be blind to that.
But dang.
I'm forced to choose between throwing away my vote or giving my vote to someone who, in some capacity, is saying that the love of same-sex couples isn't worthy of full blown marriage rights. And maybe said candidate (ahem ahem...Obama) doesn't really believe in his heart that such love is unworthy. But...that's what he has to say.
What a moral conundrum.
I don't know if what I just blogged made any sense. But it's all rolling around in my head right now.
I gotta head to the polls in a couple weeks and decide what to do about this.
I don't think I gotta go into what McCain says about the gays.
But, if you're curious about what Obama says you can read about it
HERE. He does support civil unions, he does support the gays on a lot of important legislation. But there is something he does oppose. And it's marriage. And I realize he can't support gay marriage. I realize that's political suicide. I get it, I get it, I get it.
It just makes little sense.
On AIM with David...
DAVID: sent u a text earlier!
ME: really?!
DAVID:you didn't answer
ME: oh.
ME: that MIGHT have something to do with my text box being full
DAVID: magoo! delete some! what if i was texting you to tell u ponies were being given away!?
David and I went to see a show together. At some point in the show, this actor in a really awesome full-body-suit puppet came out. She was a monster. Apparently, I got real excited. And apparently, I was moving my head around to track the monster's every move and see around the person in front me...
DAVID: I thought you were gonna jump right down to the first row when that monster came out on stage. You were way excited.
ME: Don't make fun of me! That monster was awesome!
DAVID: I'm not making fun, it was fabulous...I felt like I was with an eight year old at
Walking With Dinosaurs.
I'll post a reminder picture later BUT here is ANOTHER reminder for the
Halloween Photo Contest. Send all pictures to me, Amy, at: