Amy's classy Grandparents would like to remind you that the DEADLINE for the Halloween Photo Contest is fast approaching. Get 'yo pictures IN. I've had some requests and I'm willing to extend the deadline slightly to give you all extra time to scan and such. The post with all the pictures will go up on the 31st. I will announce the winner on November 1st. So to give me time to download/post/judge have all pictures in by October 30th at the LATEST. Sound cool?? Good. I'm starting to get more entries! Keep 'em coming!
ALSO in regards to the Halloween Photo Contest, I had this question in my comment box:
"Can you send multiple pictures if you can't decide on one? Also, can I send in a picture of my dogs dressed up if I don't have kids? "
The answer is YES on both counts. And that is a very emphatic YES for pictures of your dogs dressed up. I am way excited to get these pictures. Please, please, please...SEND THEM. The more, the merrier-especially if cute puppies are involved.
...Oh and by the way? Yes. My grandparents ARE the coolest ever. Just so you know...that's what happens when an Italian from da city of Chicago marries a sweet Irish lass from the farmlands of Wisconsin. Seriously. Yeah. I'm not sure how they pulled that off either or convinced the 'rents it would all be ok.
These two give me faith that people can be together and love each other for a very long time. Not that relationships are always peaches and cupcakes. But the duration of love?? Yeah. It happens. Observe my grandparents dressed to go to a party as old time-y sunbathers. Brilliance.
You know what's sorta funny about this picture? Looking at it I see my face in my Grandpa's. But maybe that's just his slight awkwardness-in-the-presence-of-a-beautiful-woman coming through. Aw, Grandpa. I'm right there with you.
Meghan and I were heading to a coffee shop. The place we want to go to is closed so we decide to hop in my car and drive somewhere...
ME: Ok. Just...don't judge me by the state of my car.
*Meghan shoots me a look like "Give me a break*
ME: I'm just sayin'.
*Meghan looks in my backseat and starts laughing*
MEGHAN: Aww...Amy...it's like your little moveable home!
this photo makes my heart very happy.
aren't grandpas the best?
It's been awhile since I've read your blog Amy. But I LOVE this picture of your grandparents. (And I see you in BOTH of them!)
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