I thank you kindly!
Comments make me feel good inside.
With the influx of comments, there has been a rash of "anonymous" comments. Some of the comments I can sorta guess who the commenter is, but some of them really throw me for a loop and I have no idea who left them.
Now, I'm not going to ask you to leave your name with your comment. If you want to be anonymous, that is totally cool with me.
But...I wouldn't mind if you left your name.
It sorta seems like more people might actually read this damn blog than I thought. But if you want to be all mysterious like freakin' Zorro or whatever...hey, I get that. I'd be lying if I said I never wanted to ride around on a horse, masked in black, carving "Zs" into doors, dirt, and people's underwear with my sword. Plus, there is that whole romancing of women thing the dude seems to be pretty good at.
Maybe that's the answer to all my love problems...just get a horse and ride around like Zorro and girls will love me.
The dude is pretty damn hardcore, you gotta admit. I mean...I wouldn't be out riding a horse in a lightening storm.
Man, I wish I were hardcore like Zorro...
...yeah, that's probably not going to happen.
(That's half a blackberry sticking out of my mouth. I know. I know. Sexy, right? Well I just so happened to be having a conversation about love when that picture was snapped. A conversation about how awkward and weird and crazy people (like me and another who shall remain like Zorro, "Anonymous") are when they "have a crush" ok, let's use big girl language here..."are attracted" to someone. This is the face I make when I think about how ridiculous it is to be attracted to the person I am attracted to.)
So yeah, if you want to leave your name with your comments, I think that would be swell. Points for being mysterious though too...comments having been popping up on old posts too that really have me scratching my head. I just sorta like to keep track of who's reading so I know who I'm not allowed to say bad things about.
...Unless you're George W. Bush. George W. Bush, if you read this blog (duh, everyone reads this blog apparently) I want you to know I think you're a huge asshole. I don't care if you know that I say bad things about you. I say bad things about you ALL THE TIME. You want you a secret Mr. Bush? Remember that post I wrote a while ago about how I was labeling my posts so they would be better organized? Once upon a time, you had your own label. Yes, Mr. Bush. You had your very own, "George W. Bush" label and every time I wrote about you I labeled with that special label. But while I was streamlining my labels into broader catergories I realized that the "George W. Bush" label could easily fit into the "Assholes" label. That's my secret for you Mr. Bush. Posts about you were just shoved into the "asshole" category. Sorry, I decided you're not good enough to get your own label.
P.S. I also found that "Republicans" fit quite nicely into the "Assholes" label.
Ooooo...double burn!!!!
In conclusion...if you're a new reader to Confusing Ideas Since 1986, I welcome you humbly. If you're an old reader, I thank you for continuing to read. If you're an old reader posing as a new reader...I'm on to you and your clever games!
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