Remember when I swore off online dating?
Unlike the other times when I swore off online dating only to go crawling back in my desperate lonliness, I've stuck to my guns!
I'm actually calm about being single.
I'm ok with being single.
For the first time in a while I'm not searching for a girlfriend or love interest in every face I meet.
I've got so much going on with my a good way that I'm almost totally consumed. My classes this year are so awesome. It's just the kick in the ass I needed to get myself up to that "next level" as a theatre artist or I guess...learning to be a theatre artist. And even though the semester is only two weeks young I'm already knee deep in the kind of work I love.
I'm taking a screenwriting class that forces me to write everyday. At the end of the semester I'll have written a 90-120 page screenplay. Awesome.
I'm taking advanced directing where I will direct a brand new 10 minute play written by my collegues in the playwrighting class.
And then this independent study class I'm last count I had 15 books out from the library.
My classes this year are moving me towards discovery which feels so good.
Last semester (except for my Shakespeare class) sucked the life outta me. I was taking classes I didn't want to be in, and my schedule was such that it didn't allow me the opportunity to do theatre outside of school. Thank God photosynthesis is behind me.
Yeah..."Finding a Girlfriend" no longer is on my list of "Things To Do Today"! Aren't you guys proud of me?
...That said don't hesitate to inform me if you know of any hot available lesbians.
...That said I'm still going to maintain my "Never Going To Happen" crush (it's pretty much my favorite thing to do to fall for women who are somehow unattainable and/or highly unlikely to ever fall for me and/or straight) BUT now I'm ok with holding onto such crush simply as a means to have something nice to daydream about every now and then. NOT something that I hopelessly pine away for.
I know guys, I know...I'm totally turning over a new leaf here! And it feels damn good.
Yay for throwing yourself into work and having books to take to bed with you instead of women! (Er...right?)
In other news...
Today was a good day.
You want to know why?
I got a Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate bar today.
My boss/woman I owe my first born child to brought it for me.
I haven't opened it yet. It looks so pretty whole.
But I think I will be more satisfied with it in my stomach.
Hey guys, speaking of love check this out...this is my favorite SNL skit ever, with my two favorite commedians ever. I know when I meet someone who will dance with me like this, I will have met the love of my life (and I'm only half kidding):
Sorry for the crappy quaility, but it's the best I could find and better than nothing.
So this weekend I got together with my good pal Meghan and my other good pal Sehaj. We all used to go to school together before Meghan and I transferred. We were really good friends and haven't seen each other as a group together for over a year. A YEAR!! We marveled over the fact that we can now say we've known each other "years." And then we felt old. are some pictures from our evening together:
We're like the hottest friends ever, right? Look at us classy grown up ladies!
This is what we used to look like when we were just wee frosh:

Oh, bein' freshmen. We got into so much trouble. Our asses (mine in particular) got busted all the time for violating "quiet hours."
I know, I know...we were SUCH renegades. Other people got busted for underage drinking and having to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning...we got busted for being weird and loud. It's just the way we rolled.
We would just go out into the hall way after 10:00pm, when everyone was supposed to be "quiet" and goof around (ie cartwheels in the hallway, talking in strange voices, sprinting up and down the hallways...I climbed the walls a couple times) we got yelled at a lot by the R.A. (I think she secretly thought we were hilarious.)
You know who never got in trouble though? The girls down the hall who would sit there and yell (at the top of their lungs) "VAGGGGINNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" and "DIIIICCCKKKK" and other more profane words I don't like to use (I know I swear, but there's one word I never ever use. It's another word for VAGGGGINNNNNNAAAAAAAAA. I just find it very unclassy). Anyway, these girls would yell things for the sake of being obnoxious, whereas me and my friends were just having fun. And the R.A. busted our chops. I think she was probably afraid of the other girls. Hell, I'd be afraid of someone sitting in the hallway yelling "VAAAAAAAAAAGGGINNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAA!!!" You probably shouldn't tell someone yelling that to be quiet. I mean, I would hope someone yelling "VAAAGIIIIIINNNNNNNAAAA!!" would have a damn good reason and you probably shouldn't meddle.
ANYWAY. Meghan, Sehaj, and I ate a tapas restaurant. Tapas are delcious. We ate many good things. Then this came to the table for desert: I supposed to eat that?? Good thing we got a chocolate custard thing too, 'cause I had a hard time even looking at this guy. And if you can't figure out why, please allow Meghan, Sehaj, and I in a reversion back into our 18 year old selves to illustrate for you:
That clear enough for you?
Straight women and David...I admire you and have no idea what you could possibly find appealing about...that.
MEGHAN: You know what's the most pointless letter in the alphabet?
ME AND SEHAJ: ...what?
MEGHAN: J. It's the most pointless letter ever. Like if you put a "g" in place of a "j" everything would still sound the same. Jelly would still sound the same if it were spelled with a "g"
SEHAJ: Yeah, but jam would then turn into "gam"
ME: Yeah, and my brother's name would be "Gim" and my Dad's name would be "Goe" and my mom's name woulda been "Ganet" those don't sound the same when you replace the "j" with the "g"
MEGHAN: Wow, I never realized everyone in your family's first name started with a "j" except for you.
ME: Yup.
MEGHAN: I just changed your entire family's first names. (Laughing) I think your family's names are pointless!
SEHAJ: Uh, Meghan...your last name starts with a "j".
MEGHAN: (Laughing) My last name would be "Gordan."
MEGHAN: What the hell did I just say you guys??
I'm not going into details about why it's appealing.
Let's just say that even you have to admit that that banana tasted pretty damn good.
That is all.
I don't even want to think about that... at all
and for the record I only had one bite of that banana and I was hardly impressed. the chocolate custard was much more to my liking.
HAHAHAHA crack me up. I think that's the quote of the day for next time..
And uh...gross. Um. I don't need to know that stuff.
it was a banana?! i totally wondered why you guys ordered dessert sausage with mashed potatoes and gravy...
Yes, it's a banana...not a sausage.
Either way though, the point looked like a dong.
HAHA!! Dong...
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