First and foremost. I officially begin my senior year starting tomorrow. How awesome is that? I have two more semesters!!! I'm only graduating a semester behind my classmates, even after taking a year off. Not to shabby, right? So even though I'm graduating "late" I'm still technically graduating "early" because I did it all in 3.5 semesters. Eat it! I love school so much but I'm really looking forward to graduating just so I can START. This semester is going to be pretty rockin' though, I have to say. Here are my classes:
Mass Media and Popular Culture (A random class I shoved in just to fill out my schedule, but it could prove interesting)
Voice and Diction For The Stage (I need to learn how to use my diaphragm (the muscle, not the birth control) better)
Advanced Directing (Sweet. I love Directing)
Screenwriting (Awesome, since I couldn't get into playwrighting)
I'm doing an Independent Study which called "Oral History in Performance" where I'll basically craft and perform a one person documentary theatre performance. I am so stoked to get to work on this project.
It's going to be a fabulous semester. I can just feel it. What a great way to kick off SENIOR YEAR! (Heck yes I'm a senior) (Heck yes I'm two semesters away from my degree) that was the first thing I had to get off my chest. Sorry if it was boring, but I'm just really damn excited for my classes this semester. I also just got a glowing review from my Shakespeare proefessor from last semester, and that made me feel pretty dang good., I saw I Am Legend with David last night.
...I screamed a lot. Well, I don't so much scream as make guttural noises that spew forth from deep within my throat. It's probably very bad for my throat as I will well learn in my upcoming Voice and Diction class. Eh. Whatevs. I can't help it. If you go see a movie with me, be warned...I add my own soundtrack. I'm not obnoxious, I don't talk through movies...but I certainly feel free to whimper, yell, make my famous constipated grunts, and tell the actor(s) on screen to, "just fucking run!"
The movie wasn't "scary" but it was pretty suspenseful. Things did jump out from time to time, cute dogs were mauled by mutant humans, and things exploded. It actually wasn't a half bad movie. I was kinda surprised. But I am sort of a sucker for action movies. I have a super secret desire to be an action movie star. Shhh...don't tell anyone, it will ruin my street cred as an actor. I'm not so hot on the end of the movie, and it wasn't so much what happened at the end as it was the lame attempt to sorta tie things up in a half assed M. Night Shyamalan sorta way (I'm talking about the "look at the butterfly, Daddy" thing if you've seen it). Overall though, it was fun and interesting to watch. I'm not saying to run to your nearest theatre and see it, but I actually would recommend theatre viewage over renting the DVD. The CGI animated animals and mutant humans were a little hookey, but the special effects that postulated what would occur in New York City if humans were wiped out were pretty incredible. It was really eerie.
Here's the trailer:
So, I came home last night after seeing the movie and wasn't too freaked out. Like I said it wasn't "scary." I mean there are mutant humans after Will Smith, but it's a sci-fi thriller and not a blood and guts horror. Anyway, I'm laying in bed and I just...start thinking. I start thinking about what would happen if mutant humans decided to come after me. So I did the only logical thing I could do...I got up and armed my security system. Not that it would do any good. I mean, I would pretty much just know they were in the house then and that I was toast. I can just picture the ADT call...
ADT: Hi, this is ADT do you need assistance?
ME: Um, house is under attack.
ADT: Burgulars?
ME: No...mutant humans that want to eat my flesh.
ADT: Um...
ME: I've barricaded myself in the bathroom but I don't think it's very long before they bust in here. They looked really hungry. Can you send some help?
ADT: want the police?
ME: Whoever's available is cool.
ADT: Um...let me put a call out...
ME: I mean, do you guys have like a priest on speed dial for these sorts of things? You think an exorcism would help?
ADT: Um...sure...let me looks like you're not signed up for our exorcism services.
ME: Well can I sign up?
ADT: Yeah, but it's a 30 dollar upgrade.
ME: OK. Just bill me for it.
ADT: I need to take a payment now.
ME: Um, not to be rude but I'm kinda not in a position to get you paid right now.
ADT: I'm sorry then I can't upgrade you.
ME: Can I do an I OWE U. Or something? Please?
ADT: Sorry that's against company policy.
ME: Ok. Ok. Just send the police.
ADT: Um...all available cars are currently unavailable...
ME: Look, I don't have much time here so could you just send whoever is available out?
ADT: Um...sure...let's see...the fire department is busy can send out a gang of angry citizens with pitchforks?
ME: Is that all you have?
ADT: Do you want to angry citizen pitchfork mob or not, mam?
ME: Well not if you're going to be snotty with me!
ADT: Fine, then get eaten by the mutant humans.
ME: Maybe I will. Maybe I will. What was your name again?
ADT: Uh...Barry.
ME: But I'll have you know Barry that as soon as I'm done getting eaten by these mutant humans, I'll be writing an angry letter to your supervisor. I hope you feel good about yourself, Barry. I hope you feel good about yourself.
...that was random.
Oh! So look at this:

David took this picture one night when we were out at a bar. It just proves what an nerd I am. It's a candid picture and he totally caught me with a dopey grin on my face while the cute waitress was at the table. I am bust-ed. Pretty funny though, right? *Sigh* I don't think I'll ever catch a girl's attention if all I do is sit around with a dopey grin on my face whenever a cute one comes around...
...I need a new girl game plan. Haha.
So I've been meaning to post this video for a while. It's pretty damn funny...(well it makes me laugh)...
(This video is helping me with my french)
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