Addleheading For Life

Friday, January 09, 2009

Poverty In Africa According to a White Catholic Fifth Grader

As promised, here is the dramatic reading of "Poverty in Africa". Some things to note before watching:
a) I was in fifth grade when I wrote this.
b) I watched WAY too much 20/20. This particular...uh...piece was inspired by an actual story I saw on 20/20. Or maybe it was 60 minutes.
c) I had an awesome English teacher in fifth grade, who encouraged us to write and gave us assignments/free choice writing tasks. This one is labeled, "Sept 5 Free Choice".

Here it is, "Poverty in Africa"

I really wrote that.
More works from my fifth grade journal are on the way including: various poems, entries about field trips, and one called "Someone From Heaven was Watching" about my mom getting cancer (and I'll say it because I'm allowed to-it's pretty funny). There's also a series of short stories I wrote about a girl and her horse. Because when I wasn't writing about socially relevant issues (there's also a persuasive paragraph I wrote about how it's wrong to abuse animals) I was doing everything in my power to show the world that I wanted and needed a pony of my very own.

I thought I was the most important writer to grace the pages of a notebook with my pen.
And I couldn't even spell good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay - after reading that other post, i wanna give you a hug. after this post, i wanna ask why would cindy waste all that money to stay in a hotel? why not stay in a hut with the villagers and use that money to help them? :)