Addleheading For Life

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Blog-o-vations 2009

First things first...Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and festive holiday season with people they love.

Anyway. I know there has been a lack of blog-age lately, I apologize. Between the end of the semester, holiday season at work, and the holiday season in general...well. I'm sure you all understand. I promise there will be more substantive posts in the future that feature more than my clean desk or lack thereof.

I have rather grand plans for Confusing Ideas Since 1986 in the next year. I hope to make some regular segments a little more regular. I hope to start some new segments. I hope to interview real live ponies and ask them for their political opinions.

What do you have to look forward to this year as a Confusing Ideas Since 1986 Reader?
Let me tell you.
I found two more old notebooks I used to keep when I was young. They might just be more awesome (and by more awesome, I mean more awkward and wrong) then Delivering Supplies To Union Soldiers and Horse Notes.
Don't believe me? You want a preview?
Why I'd be pleased as punch to give you one.
The following is the first few sentences from a journal entry circa 5th grade. It is titled "Poverty in Africa":
"Cindy stared out the window of the Delta Airlines Plane. She was 21 and was going to Africa. Not for a vacation. She was going because of the extreme poverty."
Excited yet? Tune in to my next post for the stirring dramatic reading of "Poverty in Africa" or as I'll re-title it, "Even a Fifth Grader Can Have White Catholic Guilt".
Stay tuned for that and much more from my old fifth grade notebooks, including poetry and my very own recipes.

What else do you have to look forward to this year as a Confusing Ideas Since 1986 Reader?
More Cooking with Magoo. Hopefully, with special guest stars.

What ELSE do you have to look forward to this year as a Confusing Ideas Since 1986 Reader?!?!
A possible blog name change. Yes. I think it MIGHT be time to re-vamp some stuff and acquire a bit more of a stream lined concept. Nothing content wise will change, but I think a make-over might be in order. I mean, I AM a degree wielding blogger now, after all.

You can also expect that as soon as I get my degree (think it's mailed in March) I will take a sassy picture with it. I will probably wear a monocle and an ascot.


Anonymous said...

i totally LOVE that picture of you on the sidebar!!! i think it should be your new headshot! seriously, so you and so different. love you ho biscuit!

Carly said...

I love your new pic! Is that one of your headshots? I want to see more - do you take blog suggestions? How about one where you have all of your headshots?