Addleheading For Life

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I Almost Just Died (In My Blog)

So, whoa...I almost just died. Since I haven't written anything in a while I decided to come on in and write...but the site asked me for my username AND password.


I don't remember that crap. That's why I had the site set to "remember me." I totally couldn't remember either my username or password. I thought my bloggin' days were done. Thank god for the idiot button or the "forget your password and your username too?" button. Otherwise I would have died (in my blog). Oh the many trial and tribulations of the bloggin' life. But this is the life I chose. I can't back out now just because it got a little dangerous there for a second.

So, I haven't written in a while. And it would appear I'm pretty much flunking the bloggin' lifestyle. Really, I'll write in here more I promise. I'll be a blogger if it kills me. If it kills me!! I will not allow my blog to die the slow "I-never-update-death" I refuse.

Hence...blogs awaaaaaaay.....

(Is the suspense killing you yet??)

(How about now?)



(Now? Or are you just getting impatient and pissed?)

(Ok, ok...I'll blog now...)

So a lot has happened since I last wrote. Well, actually this happened before my last post but...

I turned 21. Which means I now have total access to three very important things in life:

Broads (hoochies)
Boat Gambling

And let me tell you since getting access to those has been sweet. Never mind that I've contracted several venereal diseases and have lost all my savings to the penny slots, that's what the booze is for! Duh. It all works out perfectly. It's so wonderful I can't believe I didn't turn 21 sooner. If you haven't turned 21 yet I would highly advise it. Being under 21 is for squares.

So it has been pretty cold in Chicago lately. Also the Bears lost the Super Bowl which means everyone has been wallowing in a whole lot of self pity. Unlike the Cubs run for the World Series a few years back, the Bears and city of Chicago cannot blame a fan for smashing all their dreams. The only person to blame for the loss is Rex Grossman. I'm pretty sure it's his fault it's so cold out too. In fact, Rex Grossman is probably at the root of anything bad that ever happened in Chicago.
Name change of Marshall Field's to Macy's?...Rex Grossman.
Multiple recent CTA de-railments and problems?...Rex Grossman
St. Valentine's day massacre?...Rex Grossman.
Chicago fire?...Rex Grossman. (yeah, I used to think it was Mrs. O'Leary's cow too. Not so. Rex Grossman.)

We should probably exile him to Detroit or something.


Anonymous said...

Whoo! That was a close call. I'm glad you survived. Happy birthday, too! When I first started frequenting Las Vegas I kept seeing billboards that said, "(name of casino) has the loosest slots in town." It took me a while to realize they were talking about slot machines that pay well. Haha!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. The Rex Grossman thing. You're beyond hysterical.