Addleheading For Life

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Holy Crap Brush Your Teeth (or eat a tic-tac)

So, I'm in this class right?

(And I'm not going to say what class this is or who this blog is about because when you are a blogger you are pretty much famous and there's not telling who reads your blog.)

So I'm in this class and there's this girl who sits next to me in this class. It's pretty obvious from her greasy hair pulled into a pony tail and pajama bottoms that she pretty much rolled out of bed to get to this class. Which, hey...I'm cool with that. I certainly don't shower every morning before I go off to school. I don't want to wake up any earlier than I have to and if I shower the night or afternoon before...then there is no damn way in hell I'm getting up to shower in the morning. So, hey I get that part. I do.

But here's the thing...

I brush my teeth in the morning.

And its damn clear from the radiating wall of stink that emanates forth from this girl's mouth that she, on the other hand, does not brush he teeth in the morning.

And you'd think if your breath were that bad you'd know it and wouldn't want to talk to anyone. But no. Not this girl. Talking to me is her favorite thing to do.
"Hey, Amy, did you do the reading?"
"What did she just say?"
"How did you do on the test?"

Point that gun somewhere else lady!

I can't even stand my own breath in the morning, so I never expect anyone else to.

Ok, I'll admit sometimes I forget to brush my teeth in the rush to get out. BUT THAT'S WHY TIC-TACS WERE INVENTED.

Hook yourself up girl, hook yourself up!! They're not that expensive. And really is any price to much to pay to keep the rest of the class conscious and not passed out from your gaseous breath?

Please, everyone...if you will be in contact with people sometime throughout your day...BRUSH YOUR TEETH in the morning.

Or at least eat a few tic-tacs. Really.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that Public Service Announcement. Why do people with the worst breath feel the need to get up real close and aim their dragon breat right at you? Yuk! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go brush my teeth.

singleton said...

ewwwww......even having to look at someone with velvet teeth is disgusting! ewwww....

Me said...

I have trouble with brushing my teeth everyday. I'm lucky if I get 5 days out of 7. I don't have bad breath, teeth or many cavities (here is some kind of proof).

I don't know what it is but I just hate brushing them. I've used every kind of brush and found none of them comfortable. I do shower every day and use deodorant often, just can't get a handle on brushing.

Amy said...

Orhan Kahn, those are some nice chompers.

I should make it clear and when you brush your teeth is your business. I'd be lying if I said I brushed my teeth the dentist recommended three times a day. I'd be lying if I said I flossed and used mouth wash everyday. I'd be lying if I said I go to the dentist every six months. I don't think I've been to the dentist in four years. So hey, yeah oral hygiene...your buisness.
What I don't like is when people's breath reeks and they're right in my face. That's what I think is gross. And they're talking away to me while I'm being impaled by their horrible mouth-stink.
I consider it an invasion of my personal space and reserve the right to react with drunken monkey kung fu.