Life is mildly nuts right now. Lots of work and little time to do it in, but I dare say I'm enjoying it. I like working when there's a lot to do and I like being busy. It might be boring to you but here's the basic run down of what's going on in my life right now:
I am in Advanced Directing. Saturday, the 10 minute one act plays that the class and I directed will be performed. I've really enjoyed this class and I'm finding out more and more that I really like directing and this may be what I pursue with more vigor and clarity one I graduate. There's something very cool about creating a world, however like or different from our own onstage. There's something really awesome about communication between myself as a director and the actors and how that translates into the scene. There's something really awesome about making it happen. There's something really awesome about it not happening and then figuring out the way to make it happen. And there's something really awesome about it not happening and being what actually should happen. I pretty much dig it. Anyway, I'm really proud of my scene and how far it's come. Of course, any director would say they'd love more rehearsal time and I would love more rehearsal time. But I do feel very good about where we're at. Anyway. That's the story with that. Oh, I should also mention that these plays we're directing were written by the playwrighting class. So we're dealing with new work which is pretty sweet.
So...this screenplay I'm writing. Have to be honest...not to pleased with it. There are moments where I like but most of the time I'm like, "this is shit." This may not make sense: But it may be the thing I had to write about it get it out of my system. Anything written about it would probably never have been good. So now that I've written this and gotten it out of my system I can move on to writing better stuff. I's not horrible...well,'s horrible. Hahahaha.
So...this one woman show I'm performing Monday I could not be more excited about. I keep making new discoveries with it each time I rehearse which is oh so important and oh so good. It's definitely a work in progress and will be so when I perform on Monday but is complete in and of itself but it's also in a really good spot. I think my Dad might come see it. As will Meghan and David. This makes me happy. But also nervous. I'm really hoping to expand on this piece and make it into something larger in the future. We'll see what happens.
Man. I'm sorry. Is this like the most boring post ever??? This is all what I have on the brain right now, so...
Here's something that's mildly amusing....
So I was walking across campus the other day and there was a table set up about organ donation and becoming a donor. In order to attract people over to the table they had bright signs, loud voices and well, this...
Yes. Yes. That IS a giant inflatable liver mascot with a man inside. You can't see it because his back is turned but on the other side it has arms.
Or is it a kidney?
Honestly the first thought I had when I saw it?
"Why is there a man dressed up as a giant inflatable raw sirlon steak? Is this a table for the meat industry? Am I having halucinations about meat since I've gone veg?????"
[BTW...still meat-free! Woo-hoo! It hasn't been hard at all.]
But no. It's a giant organ.
I took this picture from afar and really wanted to go up to him/her/it and ask it to take a picture with me but I was really worried that would involve an exchange for one of my vital body parts. I'm sorry but a picture with this thing wasn't worth a lung, heart or even gall bladder.
Now I have this crazy scenario playing in my head of these people at performing organ harvesting on there little table outside the student center, "Step up! Save a life be an organ donor! We harvest your organs free! Right here! Right now! We'll even numb the pain by knocking you out with a baseball bat first! Don't make us sic the giant inflatable liver-kidney on you!"
Now I have this picture of me running through the campus being chased by a man wearing a giant inflatable liver costume. you see what the last week of classes DOES to my brain?
Well...I mean this is the way my brain operates normally but let's just say during the last week of classes I lose my "oh I probably shouldn't say that people will think I'm weird" filter.
I think it should be noted yet again that there are few things I enjoy more in this world than getting into facebook wall arguments with my brother. What are we arguing over today? Well, I took the facebook quiz "What Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Are You?" (Because that's so much more important for me to know than what Jane Austen character I am) And I sent the quiz to my brother. I turned out to be Leonardo. He is Michelangelo. If you know the T.M.N.T. this pretty is really pretty much my brother and I to a T. My brother also has the "I'm a 19 year old boy and don't understand that certain things shouldn't be said in a public arena" thing going on which amuses me more than anything else. He put this on my wall:
"hey while your off saving the worl might as well hook up with angelina jolie and adopt all the orphans in the world!
leonardo sucks! while michealangelo is off having a good time enjoying life, leonardo is in the bathroom cutting his wrists over a stupid mistake he made!
and num chucks fucking rock! the are the coolest weapon by far! and at least my guy gets pussy! leonardo has to jack it every night just so he doesn't feel lonely every night!", brother. Just...charming. Just...*sigh*...charming. Hey ladies...he's single. If you want him he's ALL yours. ALL yours...
...but hurt him and you deal with me.
OH! I remembered something else I wanted to talk about...
Can we talk for a sec about smiling at people? Ok...
Look, I can't help it...I'm a smiley sort of person chances are if you pass me on the street I will smile at you.
Chances are if you are a crossing guard or a CTA attendant or trying to hand me a Time Out, I will not only smile at you but say good morning or thank you.
It's just the way I roll.
Several things I'd like to say on this:
a) I was crossing the street the other day with a large number of adults. A wide age range. We were all at the corner before getting to the CTA so we were all headed to work or school or whatever. There was a crossing guard there as there are at many corners in the morning to help young children cross safely in the midst of crazy Chicago drivers. Right? So, I cross the street and she's standing on the corner, smiling and saying "Good morning" and "Have a great day" to the general mass as we passed. And you know what? EVERYONE walked right by her. Nobody even looked at her. This hurts my heart. Also...getting off the CTA at Loyola there is always an attendant there handing out Time Outs. She always says good morning and hands Time Outs to everyone who passes. It astounds me the number of people that totally brush pass her without even so much as a "no thank you." I mean really sincerely it irks me. And it's real hard to irk me and that irks me. I mean if you don't want a damn Time Out is it really so hard to say "No thank you"? Do you really need to act annoyed and just walk on by? Maybe I'm just a big lame-o. Even if I don't want one I take one and make sure I make eye contact and say "good morning." It's just nice to be nice to people. And even if you don't want to be nice to be nice-at the very least think of it as good karma-sheesh. I know some people might think this is really really stupid and trivial but I don't. I just get real mad when I see people being treated with disrespect for no good reason. Professors, doctors, deans, bosses, whatever are certainly not the only ones owed respect. So are the CTA workers who get your ass to class and school everyday and the janitors who clean up after you and crossing guards who, even if you might not need it, make sure you get across the damn street safely. How hard it is to take .5 seconds to make eye contact and say "thank you"? Rawr!!
b) 80% of the average joes I pass and smile at when I walk on the street either look away or look at me like I'm nuts. There are of course exceptions. The one exception that is always consistent is kids. Kids always smile back. This is why I love kids...they make my heart happy.
c) Today I was walking across campus and smiled at a fellow student-a dude walking down the sidewalk with some headphones on. We made eye contact. Now, I would say that of the 80% of the people who look at me like I'm nuts when I smile at them or outright ignore me...probably about 65% of these instances happen on campus. Seriously. But this dude totally smiled back. And it wasn't a half assed obligatory smile either, it was all out honest to goodness true blue SMILE. Is it weird to say this instance made my day?
(On my recent foray into vegetarianism (man that's a hard word to spell))
CARLY: You are really skinny.
ME: So?
CARLY: You might skinnier!
DAVID: See!!
ME: As long as I'm
DAVID: So! You'll be easier to kidnap. I should eat hamburgers to be fatter to be less easy to kidnap. Awesome. We are talking about me-the person who says "good morning" and "hi" to random people on the street so I think really at this point, my lack of meat in my diet and how it relates to the likely hood of my abduction is rather unimportant.
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