Also, thanks to everyone who's told me good things about the Find The Bad Thing Results Post. I'm glad you guys liked it and thought it was funny.
A few things I need to mention in regards to the contest:
I think I mentioned that there was a co-artist to the picture. It was colored in/detailed by the five year old, Rita BUT drawn by my boss at the Studio, Mrs. Yueill.
Mrs. Yueill read the post and had this to say:
"On a more serious note, as the co-artist of the bad thing picture, I was surprised there was no honorable mention for the person who questioned the one mismatched shamrock on the dress colored blue, not green. That was a truly amazing observation that only the artist would know whether or not it was intentional and I can assure you it WAS NOT!! When I drew that in front of 10 little girls, I was personally appalled by my own error. SO, that person can't win the contest, because Rita determined the BAD thing, BUT it was truly the true bad thing in the picture."
So...anonymous who guessed the guess that the bad thing was the blue shamrock? You get a post-results post honorable mention.
Because this is a late-coming honorable mention. You get a prize:

...Allow me to explain.
I googled "honorable mention" to try and get you picture of a ribbon. This image for WHATEVER reason was one of the results that popped up. So there you go. You get a Hungry Man Honorable Mention.
P.S. I just want to say that I think it is more than slightly awesome that the actual winner of the contest is NOT someone I know. Not that I don't love my "I know you" readers with all my heart. But it makes me feel a little famous that an random person reads my blog. What have I been telling you guys all along? Duh, blogger...famous. So now apparently...11 people reason my blog. 10 of them I know. 1 of them is an anonymous person named Jess who happened upon upon my blog while looking up info on The L Word (awesome). I'm so glad my blog has moved into the realm of entertaining strangers.
...No I don't really keep track of the number of people that read my blog.
My blog is going to take over the world.
Woo-hoo!!! I was that anonymous person who guessed the blue shamrock! Glad to know that even though it wasn't the most clever (as you said the prize would be deemed) it was still right!!
Sorry that I'm one of those "I know you" readers. Hope it doesn't bring you down too much. :-)
PS Is it slightly weird that when I ONLY typed in posted with my last name too? Creepy...
Sorry i made fun of the dress Mrs. Yueill...
I would wear that dress any day! In fact...I'm going to make it myself and wear it on the first day of spring. Its a good first day of spring dress!
YAY! Claire!
It doesn't bring me down because you're an "I know you" reader.
'Cause I think you're swell.
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