I think I may be a vegetarian.
How did this happen?
Surfing the internet.
Somehow through reading an article and the following of subsequent links...I found myself on a website called and uh...saw some videos.
Now...look, I have a strong soul but it is also soft and easily moved by defenseless things with innocent eyes.
Which includes but is not limited to:
a) children
b) animals (except of course for snakes and/or anything else that is mean and ugly (ie: tarantulas, giant centipedes and piranhas))
c) sometimes old people (but only sometimes...start giving me your old people shit "I couldn't get through on the phones!" "I don't want to pay service fees!" "Don't you have anything better?!" and I will give you the dirty look)).
Thus my soft and easily moved soul about broke into a million pieces when I saw a chicken being beat with a metal rod.
It was horrid. I saw/read some other stuff too. I won't go into detail.
This was last Thursday.
Since that time I've been utterly unable to even think about eating a hamburger.
Have you ever seen that Simpsons episode where lisa is about to eat meat and she sees like a little lamb or something in her head and its like, "Please, don't eat me Lisa...I love you!"
That's kinda what's going on in my brain right now.
I've been flirting with the idea of vegetarianism for a long time. Probably since high school. I've thought, "Gee, I should really be a vegetarian 'cause hey...I dig vegetables and hey I don't like the idea of eating animals." I never thought I had the discipline though. But now...
Now meat is just gross.
I'm a lesbian and I just said, "Now meat is just gross."
Laugh it up.
Everything in my lesbian life now comes together and makes sense:
I hate snakes, they give me the creeps.
Now I think meat is gross.
I look like Harry Potter.
My mail-order cat should arrive Saturday.
...So...I've been meat-free since last Thursday. It hasn't been too hard thus far. I mean, honestly let's think about the things that figure promiently in my diet anyway:
a) Nachos
b) Burritos
c) Oatmeal
d) Hummus and pitas
e) Pizza
f) Tuna
g) Chocolate
These are all things I ate a lot of before last Thursday and they are things I will continue to eat a lot of now.
So I was sharing this story with him and my Dad about how horrible this videos I saw made me feel. How sad they were, ect...
BROTHER: (Dead Serious) If you think that's bad, you should see the videos about cat bottling in Japan.
(I begin to crack up)
ME: Jimmy, there is no way that's real.
BROTHER: It is to real!! They mistreat the cats and stick them in bottles. There's this video on youtube where they throw this crate of like 60 cats on the ground it's so sad!
ME: Jimmy, I really don't think that it's real.
BROTHER: It is! There's a facebook group dedicated to stopping cat bottling in Japan.
ME: Jimmy...
BROTHER: What?! I'm just saying it's really sad what they do to these cats!
ME: Well, what I saw was really sad too.
BROTHER: But they just throw these cats on the ground in this crate-
ME: Jim, I really don't think cat bottling is real.
BROTHER: It is!! They put cats in bottles and then sell them.
ME: Well, do the cats eat and poop?!
BROTHER: They die in the bottle, dumbass!
ME: Jim, if they died than they would start to decompose and smell and NOBODY would want to buy that.
BROTHER: Uh, well you can get your pets stuffed after they die and keep them in your house. THEY don't decompose and smell.
(At this point my Dad and I just look at him)
BROTHER: What?! You can. People do. After their pets die they get them stuffed.
ME: Like deer heads?
ME: That's called taxadermy and is something compeltely different. Their stuffed and chemicals are used to keep them from decomposing and smelling.
BROTHER: Whatever!
ME: Jimmy, they don't put kittens in bottles.
My brother and I are absolutely RIDICULOUS and I love the fun and engaging conversations we have. The best part? I am the oldest so I am always right, duh.
Also, this:

Really, Jimmy?!? REALLY?!?!!!!
...Ok, so now he maintains that HE was just trying to trick ME with this whole conversation...but I'm pretty sure he's just covering his butt 'cause he feels stupid.
Ok, So I've recently fallen in love with the music of Yael Naim. Particularly, this song called "Far Far" the song itself is very lovely, but there's a particular lyric that's just so amazing that I simply have to share:
"Far far there's this little girl
She was praying for something big to happen to her
Every night she ears beautiful strange music
It's everywhere there's nowhere to hide
But if it fades she begs
'Oh Lord don't take it from me, don't take it' She says
'I guess i'll have to give it birth
to give it birth'"
Love it.
And I must also share that this Jason Mraz has been stuck in my head too...
"Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted"
...not quite as profound, but still fun.