First of all.
I work in a box office. Sometimes, people leave things in the box office that they are not allowed to bring in the theatre. And then sometimes they forget to pick this stuff up.
Like, doggie bags from restaurants.
Or as I learned today...
Sombreros from the mexican restaurant down the street:
Selling tickets to old people is clearly serious business. More so, when you have on a sombrero.
That last statement is a lie...
Please join me in a Mexican hat dance while I sell you tickets to next Saturdays show. Arriba!
Maximus And Chicken:
Two lone desperados on the ticket selling plain. (And we're starting a mariachi band. I am going to play that one guitar that is the biggest because I am a fan of the absurd. Chicken is going to play the trombone).
Ok. Enough about sombreros. So. You may know I have this dog. Here name is Molly. I would just love to post tons and tons of pictures of her. But it is hard to take pictures of her. For several reasons:
a) She's fast
b) She doesn't like having her picture taken
c) She's smart so she's not convinced when you're like, "Come here I've got a treat" she's like "Bitch, I see the camera behind your back. Also, I'm smarter than you"
d) She's got black fur and black eyes and is generally just a giant fuzz ball
BUT the other day I was taking some snapshots of her and I captured this gem:
Oh. Man. I caught her post yawn for the priceless little snapshot. Buck teeth? Vampire Dog? Gremlin? What? My brother and I laughed so hard we were pretty much crying.
You know what's awesome about pets?
They can't get mad at you for posting hilariously unattractive picture of them on the internet.
Granted, I still think she is super cute in this picture.
AND just to prove I'm not so heartless. Here is a picture of my dog doing what she does best: looking so cute you'd probably do anything she asked you to do:
I may or may not have submitted the first picture to Cute with Chris. If you don't know, Cute with Chris is a hilarious internet show about puppies and kittens. Maybe Molly will be a featured pet! AND if she is, mayhaps she will be voted the CUTEST. Really, with a picture like that...who WOULDN'T think she's cute?!
Here is what I said to Chris:
Hi Chris,
I think your show is pretty awesome. It makes me laugh and puts a smile on my heart, and I'm not even a teenage girl. Nope, I'm a fan from your 20 something lesbian contingent. I took this picture of my dog the other day. Thought it might put a smile on your heart. Her name is Molly and she is a toy poodle. We think she's pretty special.
22, Chicago
I'll certainly keep you updated if I hear anything and/or if Molly is featured on the show.
Brother's facebook status. After we got into a facebook wall war...
JIM: yes me and my sister are crazy mother fuckers.
On my facebook wall...
JIM: now lets play a game its called amy can't write on jimmys wall for 2 days!!!!
ARIANA: i don't know, but i'm just telling you legitimately, there's a woman talking to herself over there
BART: Don't you know you have to concentrate when there are pretty boys around?
I LOVE every single picture in this post! LOVE!
Thanks Carly! I wish you were there to take a sombrero picture with us. Because if there's anything better than two box associates wearing's THREE box associates wearing sombreros! OMG! We could totes be the three amigos then!
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