Meghan and I get on the Peoria Charter. The first portion of the trip involved Meghan and I entertaining ourselves on the Peoria Charter...there were like 5 people on the bus and I'm pretty sure they all hated us by the time we got off. First things first, these are our "Peoria Charter" faces:
There are bathrooms on the Peoria Charter, I ask Meghan if she's ever used a Peoria Charter bathroom. She says no. But tells me a story about being a train in Europe and using the toilet on the the train that just opened down onto the tracks. She said it was windy. And that when she threw the toilet paper in the "toilet" aka the just down onto the tracks below, it came spiral flying back out. Gross.
Here is us entertaining ourselves with our cameras:
Turns out pita chips make good pillows. What else are pita chips good for? Let's ask Meghan...
P.S. "Smooch" is my favorite word ever for kiss. Second place? "Besa"
And it was inevitable that I would eventually use the "video" function on my camera...
We are huge dorks.
We get to Bloomington.
This is my friend Sara. She is a Voice Music Major. Saturday was her senior recital-which consisted of her singing various songs for about an hour. Just her. Impressive, right? Now, I'd never seen Sara sing before. And I was absolutely blown away. I saw a side of her I'd never really seen before. I mean, she is one of my closest friends, obviously, I know she's fabulous. But Saturday-I saw her absolutely glow. It was kind of amazing. It's really something when you see people use their gifts-no matter what they are and I feel so lucky I got to see Sara use this gift of hers. It was truly something. AND she also looked hot, no?! She walked onstage and there was an audible gasp from the audience. She exited and re-entered the stage after each mini set and did so with the utmost confidence. She pretty much owned the stage. And I thought to myself, "My God. My friend is all grown up. That's a freakin' woman up there."
After getting to hear her sing. I also got to hang out with her for the rest of the evening. Which was so awesome. Because I hardly ever see her. Here are some pictures:
I also had the pleasure of meeting Wanzenburg:
Sara lives in a house with three other roomies, and this is their pet rat. Wanzenburg was acquired from the psychology department so as to not be sent to the biology department for dissection. Seriously. We made friends. I really liked him. He was super cute. He eats Capt. Crunch and I got to give him some.
It also become pretty clear to me upon seeing this picture that my head is pretty much shaped like a box.
The Peoria Charter home...
On the way back I saw:
a) A Beaver
b) A large group of deer eating stuff in a field
c) A Hawk
d) A dead deer at the side of the rode. It's head was cut off. Seriously. I was disturbed. See video below...
This video is pretty much evidence as to why I am friends with Meghan, she is crazy, and I love her:
The Peoria Charter drops us off at Midway Airport.
And what better way to wrap up the trip than to play on the moving sidewalks?:
My favorite thing about this video is Meghan's giggling. Priceless. This video is just a small clip of our antics, by the time I remembered to take out my camera, other people were on the moving sidewalks so we had to go back to being normal.
And since I had just seen when Harry Met Sally, on the way there, I was totally monologuing to Meghan about the logistics of men and women being friends and trying to get her to have dinner with me.
(Conversation via AIM)
MEGHAN: you are nothing short of Amy Cornelius and that's about the only way to describe you.
MEGHAN: that's you in a nutshell, if you ever have to describe yourself, use that.
AMY: I wonder if you could wear a hat box as a hat.
SARA: You could if you wanted everyone to think you were a freak.
(Conversation via AIM)
Re: Going to her teacher's who has small dogs
ARIANA: i got there today and there was a massive full-size white dog there, looked really similar except WAY BIGGER
ARIANA: like, shetland pony bigger
ARIANA: she's dog-sitting for a friend who's conducting in italy, because people here do that, etc etc
ARIANA: but when you're expecting tiny mop dog, and a PONY greets you in the hall, it's a little stirring.
Oh man, I laughed for roughly 10 minutes.
who knew we were making priceless memories? te amo, mi amis!
we are the biggest dorks on the planet
te amo you too.
And yes, we are the biggest dorks ever. The second video of you mugging for the camera cracks me up, real hard.
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